Olivier Richters, who plays Paulie, is around 7 feet 2 inches tall, making him close to a foot taller than Alan Ritchson. As seen in Reacher season 2’s opening episodes, however, the Alan Ritchson character still manages to belittle the giant by using his wit and exploiting Paulie’s lack thereof. However, considering Paulie’s size advantage and disturbing military record, it is hard not to see him as a formidable villain in Reacher season 3.
How Reacher’s Military Rank Compares To Paulie’s
Paulie Was Not An Officer In The Military

After Zachary Beck reads through Reacher’s military achievements in Reacher season 2’s episode 1, Beck’s henchman, Chapman Duke, reveals that Paulie, too, served in the army. He also adds that Paulie hates officers, confirming that Paulie was not one. Reacher pokes fun at him by saying that he did not clear the OCS (Officer Candidate Exam), which is one of the four paths one must complete to become an officer in the army. Reacher even goes a step further by saying that Paulie could not even spell OCS, implying that he is all brawn and no brain.
What Happened To Paulie After He Left The Military
Paulie Received A Dishonorable Discharge From The Army

After doing a background check on Paul Van Hoven (Paulie), Neagley discovers that he “punched a captain’s eye clean out its socket” when he was in the army. Owing to this, he received a dishonorable discharge from military service. Paulie’s record also reveals he was sent to Leavenworth for an 18-month sentence. He ended up serving an additional 18 months after he tore off a CO’s finger with his bare hands. A closer look at the notes Neagley reads also discloses his psychological profile.
Reacher Season 3 Villain Actors Compare Their Characters
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