Hollywood Entertainment News

When we watch action movies, we often marvel at the mind-blowing stunts. Tom Cruise’s character, Ethan Hunt from the popular Mission: Impossible series, is a perfect example of this. He’s known for pulling off insanely impressive feats that seem way beyond human strength. But how would he do if these stunts happen in real life?

The Aquarium Explosion in Mission: Impossible

Remember the scene in the first Mission: Impossible where Ethan sets off a gigantic fish tank to create a diversion? Sure, it looked amazing, but could a person survive that in real life? Think about it. Sharp glass flying everywhere and a powerful wave of water rushing towards you could cause serious harm. A real-life incident in a Berlin hotel with a similar scenario showed just how unlikely it would be for someone to walk away unscathed from such an explosion.

Scaling Incredible Heights in Mission: Impossible II

The sequel starts with Ethan free-climbing at Dead Horse Point. Beautiful, yes, but also pretty risky. Renowned rock climber Alex Honnold highlighted some parts of this scene which didn’t really make sense. For starters, climbing such a tall cliff without a rope isn’t advised. Add in the needless stunts, and this scene would likely end in disaster in real life.

Scaling the World’s Tallest Building

One of the most famous scenes in the series happens in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. It features Ethan climbing 11 stories of Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. He only manages this feat when his super high-tech magnetic gloves fail by outright climbing. Honnold, who’s climbed the real Burj Khalifa, says it would be impossible to hang onto the chrome beams like cruise does.

Dashing Against a Car at High Speed

Another daring moment from Ghost Protocol involves Ethan avoiding an oncoming car during a fierce sandstorm in Dubai. In reality, this would likely lead to a fatal injury. Even at only 35 mph, a crash could be lethal. It’s pretty clear that the car in the movie is going way faster, meaning Ethan should have been seriously injured, at the very least.

Surviving a Thunderstorm Skydive and a Train Crash

Ethan again shows that luck is definitely on his side in Mission: Impossible – Fallout, where he survives a parachute jump into a thunderstorm. This kindof scene in real life would be pretty much a disaster. It could cause the diver to lose control and go wildly off course. There’s also that little detail about the risk of being struck by lightning.

The latest movie in the series, Dead Reckoning, sees Ethan land on a moving train that’s about to derail. The chance of surviving such a stunt, at least for an average person, is slim to none. But our hero, Ethan, somehow manages to get out of it alive.

Wrap-Up: Mission: Impossible Continues to Defy Odds

Despite the extreme improbability of Ethan Hunt surviving these stunts, we can’t help but be amazed. It’s this fantastic blend of death-defying feats, real danger, and impossibility that keeps us coming back for more. We know the odds are against him, but he never fails to surprise us. That’s why audiences love Tom Cruise’s character, Ethan Hunt. He manages to stay alive against all odds. We can’t wait to see what impossible stunt he pulls off next in the Mission: Impossible series.