The EGOT winner talks cholesterol, self-control, and the perfect pre-concert meal.

The social-media feeds of John Legend and Chrissy Teigen are often filled with documentation of their sinful food exploits: John and Chrissy learn to make a Bloomin’ Onion! John and Chrissy eat KFC in bed! John eats fried chicken off Chrissy’s butt! Given that Teigen now has two cookbooks to her name, many fans might expect their kitchen to be a lawless, high-calorie wonderland where Frito pies abound.

It turns out, however, that Legend—who recently picked up an Emmy for his work in NBC’s Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert, adheres to a daily diet of which Jesus himself would likely approve. The singer, who recently paired up with Naked and Wholesome Wave to provide those in need with access to fresh, affordable produce through its Drink Good Do Good campaign, recently spoke with GQ about why he began eating a salad with every single meal; how he found the key to the perfect pre-concert meal; and which way he comes down on the all-important premium-burger-chain debate.

GQ: The morning after wrapping up your EGOT win, congratulations—
John Legend: That was the night after the EGOT win—the wee hours of the night.

I saw on Chrissy [Teigen]’s Instagram that you were whipping up pancakes. Are pancakes your go-to celebration food?

It was my indulgence, you know. We felt good. I don’t have pancakes very often, because they’re not good for you, but I love pancakes. I have this recipe from Oh Sweet Basil for melt-in-your-mouth buttermilk pancakes, and I love making them. We were like, fuck it, let’s eat some pancakes.

So if not pancakes, what’s a typical breakfast look like for you?
I usually have eggs and a salad and maybe whole-wheat toast.

Salad for breakfast?

I have a salad with pretty much every meal. My doctor was like, “You need to eat more vegetables, high cholesterol runs in your family.” So he had me consult with a nutritionist, who told me to have more vegetables.

What goes in your breakfast salad?
It’s just simple greens, mixed greens. I like cherry tomatoes, so I throw those in there. And a vinaigrette dressing. And my omelet or eggs will be one full egg and a bunch of egg whites, because I can’t have too many yolks because of cholesterol, again. I’m like an old man already, but I don’t miss the yolks that much

It was reported that you did a juice fast when you were prepping for Jesus Christ Superstar. Was that the first time you’ve ever done a juice fast?
We had done one in Bali before, when we were on a wellness retreat, but yeah, it works if you want to shed some pounds and be really lean for something specific. It’s better to live a generally healthy lifestyle and have everything in moderation. But I’m not used to having my shirt off in front of the whole country and being nailed to a cross. I was like, “I want to be as lean as possible,” so I did a juice fast.

How long was the fast?
I did a week. It wasn’t that hard, honestly. I have enough self-control. When I’m focused on it, I can do it.

What about fitness during that time?
I worked out every morning. We ran, we did bikes, we did weights. I always worked out anyway, but everything was a little more focused that week.

So you’re a dad of two now. Has that impacted how or what you eat? Do you even have time to cook?
We make time to be home more, and some of it’s so we can hang out with the kids, and we cook for them. We don’t cook for Miles yet—he’s still on breast milk. But Luna eats regular food, just more attuned to a kid’s tastes.

Do you guys cook three meals a day?
We eat out a significant amount, too. But at home, we like to make dinner after Luna goes to bed. She’ll go to bed at, like, 7 p.m., and we’ll eat dinner an hour or so later. We still love cooking for each other and with each other. It’s still a big part of our lives.

What’s a typical lunch and dinner—other than the requisite salad?
Lunch, I usually have a tuna niçoise salad or something like that. I eat something very similar every day. And for dinner it’s varied, though—it’s more like an event. I don’t like to eat the same thing every day for dinner. It’s usually some kind of meat and vegetable, and hopefully something fun.

What do you consider “fun”?
Something that we slow-cook with a really cool sauce. Just something we put some effort into.

You’re obviously traveling all the time, so that’s got to affect your daily meal routines. When you’re touring, what foods are always on your rider?
We put green juice on the rider. Sometimes, when I’m trying to get my vegetables in, it’s easier to take it with you and not have to rely on someone to make a salad. Green juice is just a massive salad in a bottle.

Do you have that right before going onstage?
No, I eat the same meal every time, usually a half-hour before I go on: roasted chicken and steamed vegetables, usually broccoli. Some people don’t like to eat before they sing, but having a meal makes me feel more warmed up and ready to go.

Broccoli is my least favorite vegetable. I can’t imagine eating that at a concert.
Broccoli is like my favorite vegetable. It’s the shit. I love it.

Okay, if you’re in an airport, what’s your go-to meal?
It depends on which airport, but I like Shake Shack.

So you’re team Shake Shack, not In-n-Out?
[nods head slowly] It’s not even close. I don’t even know why it’s a debate, honestly.

This interview has been edited and condensed.