Galadriel spent season 2 trying to redeem herself for being fooled by Sauron and Sauron spent it fooling someone else (Celebrimbor) in Eregion, having had Galadriel blow his cover in Lindon. At the end of The Rings of Power season 2, Sauron and Galadriel came together in a spectacularly choreographed fight that brought their season-long separation to a close. Galadriel was protecting the Rings of Men, but Sauron succeeded in securing these from her during their fight. Clark and Vickers shared that they were glad that their characters did not meet until this moment, giving fair reasoning.
Sauron & Galadriel Almost Reunited Before The Rings Of Power Season 2 Finale
The Rings Of Power Showrunners Toyed With Reuniting The Two In Adar’s Camp


Rings of Power showrunners Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne discussed reuniting Sauron with Galadriel in the Orc camp in season 2 but decided against it (Collider). This could have entailed the two meeting with Adar, which could have been more explosive, with both Adar and Galadriel on a war path with Sauron. Adar’s Rings of Power origin story revealed how hypnotized he was by Sauron’s beauty once, so Sauron encountering both of his “exes” could have made for some interesting dialogue. Sauron might have been searching for Nenya and may have eventually come to Adar’s camp to retrieve it.
Rings of Power season 2’s opening showed Sauron’s shapeshifting in vivid detail, proving how he could have easily tricked his way into Adar’s camp if he did want to avoid an incendiary run-in with his historical nemesis. And, running into Adar would have been incredibly risky for Sauron, since his whole plan relied on Adar attacking Eregion to get to him, therefore destabilizing Adar’s army and Eregion’s – both a threat to Sauron. But it is clear that he may have risked it all to get to Galadriel. As Vickers stated to Collider, “It keeps him going in a way, her existence.“
Morfydd Clark & Charlie Vickers Believe An Earlier Reunion Would Have Been A Mistake
Vickers & Clark Rightly Shared That Absence Makes The Heart Grow Freakier

First Owner
Last Owner
The Ring of Air
The Ring of Fire
The Ring of Water
Thirdly, Galadriel acquires one of Lord of the Rings’ Elven-rings in season 2, which was made with Sauron’s instruction, creating “an extra-weird connection between Galadriel and the baddest man in Middle-earth” (Empire). Referring to Galadriel’s physical distance from Sauron, Clark “liked that it was teased out,“ like Vickers. As Clark rightly noted, “they’ve just been obsessing over each other this whole time” and connected substantially via strange visions – Galadriel saw Sauron’s future at one point. They are “always connected through the ether” (Yahoo UK). This built their resolve to meet in person, creating “the epicness of the final confrontation.“
The Rings Of Power Stars Are Right About Season 2’s Sauron & Galadriel Confrontation
Sauron Taunting Galadriel As A Prisoner Is A Tempting But Messy Prospect

Tolkienian Age
Event Marking The Start
Total Length In Solar Years
Before time
Days before Days
Ainur entered Eä
1 – 3,500 Valian Years
Pre-First Age Years of the Trees (Y.T.)
Yavanna created the Two Trees
Y.T. 1 – 1050
First Age (F.A.)
Elves awoke in Cuiviénen
Y.T. 1050 – Y.T. 1500, F.A. 1 – 590
Second Age (S.A.)
War of Wrath ended
S.A. 1 – 3441
Third Age (T.A.)
Last Alliance defeated Sauron
T.A. 1 – 3021
Fourth Age (Fo.A)
Elven-rings left Middle-earth
Fo.A 1 – unknown
The Showrunners’ Choice To Keep Sauron & Galadriel Apart Made Season 2’s Ending Even Better
Season 2 May Have Felt Empty Without Sauron’s Season 2 Meeting With Galadriel

Season 2’s clean break made more sense for Sauron and Galadriel than “If they were just hanging out all the time“, culminating in their violent showdown (Collider). For the purposes of season 2, at least, Galadriel and Sauron’s separation ensured space to breathe as individual characters. This enabled the show to explore Sauron’s powers in Lord of the Rings and Galadriel’s growing strength, wisdom, and independence. Saving Galadriel and Sauron’s reunion for the final episode of season 2 also gave the finale the emotional depth it needed beyond just war.
Character-driven TV like Rings of Power needs emotional hooks underneath its grand-scale missions.