Zack Snyder’s dream movie will be about one of the most important historical figures in America and it will be a war film like 300

Zack Snyder has plans to make a film on one of the greatest heroes in American history, George Washington. While other presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, and even George W. Bush were brought to the screen, the Founding Father’s story is yet to be told.

Surprisingly, Snyder’s intention is to make a full-blown action movie like 300, showing Washington as a war hero. It is also possible that he could bring action stars like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise to play the central character.

Zack Snyder and Gerard Butler on the sets of 300Zack Snyder and Gerard Butler on the sets of 300 | Legendary Pictures

If the movie gets made, it would be one of the most stylized depictions of an American president in films. Ever since Snyder made this desire public, some people opposed the idea, sharing that Washington’s story was more of a drama rather than an action-packed war movie.


Zack Snyder Wants to Make A George Washington Movie

George Washington (credits: Portrait by Gilbert Stuart Williamstown | Wikimedia Commons)

George Washington (credits: Portrait by Gilbert Stuart Williamstown | Wikimedia Commons)

Zack Snyder revealed a lot about his personal life and film aspirations during his profile interview with Bloomberg in 2016. The article covered a lot of interesting facts about the Man of Steel director, including his interest in making a film on the first American President George Washington. Snyder revealed that this movie would be in the style of his war film, 300.

During his interview, Snyder shared about his dream of making films that weren’t just comic book adaptations. He had a picture of George Washington in his office, wherein he was crossing Delaware to fight against the British in the Battle of Trenton. Snyder shared that he had already had a discussion with his team about the potential movie.

He revealed that their first point of discussion was the look of the film. They wanted to make it stand out from other biographical films. Snyder pointed out the painting to his team and shared that it looks like a shot from his film 300, adding that it wasn’t too hard to make such a film. Snyder shared with Bloomberg:

We were talking about it. The first thing we asked was, well, how are we going to make it look? I pointed at this painting. It looks like 300. It’s not that hard.

Fans of the Gerard Butler-starring film could already imagine George Washington in an adrenaline-pumping war action sequence. Like in 300, Washington’s American Continental Army was small compared to the British Army. However, the American Revolution war was nothing like the Battle of Thermopylae. The war that Washington fought was a hard and dreaded one.

His army became weakened after soldiers continued to desert due to the low pay. Washington’s win in the war came through perseverance as he slowly battled through all the challenges. A movie about Washington has more scope as a drama, dealing with his struggles and depression over the state of the war. The human story about George Washington is more interesting than the hero story.

Tom Cruise Or Brad Pitt Could Take On The Role Of Zack Snyder’s George Washington

Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai (left) and Brad Pitt in Troy (right) | Warner Bros.Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai (left) and Brad Pitt in Troy (right) | Warner Bros.

If Snyder gets to make a film about one of the most important men in American history, it could star one of the big A-list stars in Hollywood. There’s Tom Cruise, who has already expressed a wish to play a character in another Zack Snyder film. When Snyder was filming Watchmen, Cruise had campaigned for the role of Rorschach, which eventually went to Jackie Earle Haley.

If Cruise gets busy with his already-planned movie sequels or his new deal with Warner Bros., Snyder can consider Brad Pitt for the role. Pitt could make up for almost derailing Snyder’s 300 at that time, as WB refused to take on the film as they were already filming Troy. Interestingly, Troy ended up making a loss for the studio while 300 did good business.

There has been no update on the George Washington film ever since Snyder shared his vision. However, Snyder fans still hope to see his dream movie getting made. In the meantime, fans can enjoy Snyder’s 300 for rent on AppleTV+.