Many might assume that the richest actor in the world is one of the usual heavyweights like Tom Cruise, Shah Rukh Khan, Dwayne Johnson or Johnny Depp, to name a few. However, the person who tops the list might surprise you. According to a report by The Daily Guardian, which cites sources like Bloomberg and Forbes, Tyler Perry is actually the wealthiest male actor globally, with a staggering net worth of $1.4 billion (approximately Rs 11,500 crore). Perry, best known for his character Mabel ‘Madea’ Simmons in the hit Madea franchise, has built his wealth through 12 live-action films, 11 plays and several TV appearances under this series.
The report further mentioned that the second place is secured by comedian Jerry Seinfeld. with a net worth of $1 billion (around Rs 8,200 crore). Other prominent names include Dwayne Johnson with an estimated wealth of $890 million (around Rs 7,320 crore), Shah Rukh Khan at $870 million (roughly Rs 7,160 crore) and Tom Cruise with $800 million (about Rs 6,600 crore).
The report also added that if female actors were included, Jami Gertz would take the crown with a massive $8 billion (approximately Rs 66,000 crore). She is best known for her role in the movie Lost Boys. Billionaires Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez also rank in the top five as well.
How Tyler Perry Made His Billion
The report further highlighted that Perry also holds $300 million (around Rs. 2,511 crore) in cash and investments and has accumulated $40 million (about Rs 334 crore) in real estate and luxury assets. Perry is also connected to the British royal family as Prince Harry and his wife, former actress Meghan Markle, once resided at one of his properties when they first relocated to the United States, the report mentioned.