During the press tour for Rain Man, Dustin Hoffman let rip next to his unsuspecting co-star Tom Cruise.

During the press tour for Rain Man, Dustin Hoffman let rip next to his unsuspecting co-star Tom Cruise. Picture: r/MadeMeSmile


“Better out than in” as the saying goes, which legendary actor Dustin Hoffman certainly took on board.

Much to Tom Cruise’s demise that is, especially when he was sat right next to him. But once in every while, you just have to let rip.

In a rare interview from way back when in 1988, the pair are taking part in an interview on Danish television for their recent film together, Rain Man.

But just as Cruise prepares to answer a question, he gets a little more than he bargains for.

That’s because Hoffman gently lifts his butt from the sofa – the classic disguise for blowing off – yet lets go of a louder-than-expected fart.

There’s no doubt the actor thought it would be a silent-but-deadly kind of guff, as both he and Cruise are clearly shocked by the very distinct sound emanating from Hoffman’s backside.

Dustin Hoffman farts in Swedish TV

You can audibly hear interviewer Ole Bornedal gasp in surprise off-screen, whilst Tom Cruise puts his head in his hands, unable to contain his giggles.

“Sorry, it’s been a long three days, a lot of sushi in Japan,” Hoffman adds after quite brazenly trumping.

Struggling to contain themselves about the incident, Hoffman then continues to blame foodstuffs for his flatulence whilst Cruise absolutely cracks up.

“Sushi, then catching up in Berlin with the sausages, and now I’m in England…”

“With the bangers and mash?” Cruise adds, whilst they’re both in stitches failing to compose themselves over a fart.

“With the bangers in England… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Hoffman says whilst dabbing his tears of laughter with a cushion.

There was absolutely no hope for the remainder of the interview, as both Cruise and Hoffman were off the rails with guff-induced giddiness.

Funnily enough, it’s not actually the first time that flatulence has disrupted a moment of poise between the two actors.

Uh oh. Fart. [Rain Man]

There’s the famous scene in Rain Man when Dustin Hoffman’s autistic savant Ray is stuffed into a phone box with his brother Charlie played by Tom Cruise.

In one of the film’s more heart-warming moments as the pair forge a bond, Ray says “Uh-oh….fart” whilst Charlie is on the phone.

After he drops one in the confined space, an exasperated Charlie blasts Ray for letting out gas whilst they’re in such close proximity.

Little did Cruise know, that Hoffman would actually fart in the phone box with him, as it wasn’t even scripted.

Neither were doing much acting during that exchange, as Cruise’s reaction was real, adding a ridiculous yet hilarious layer of reality to the scene.

It seems like filming the scene made Hoffman more comfortable around Cruise however, given he pulled off the fart trick once more during their press run.