8 Things WWE Fans Should Know About Dwayne Johnson's Hollywood Career Featured Image

Nowadays a lot of professional wrestlers have made the transition into the world of Hollywood, but none have enjoyed as much success as Dwayne Johnson. Despite his incredible WWE career, the vast majority of people know him as an actor, which highlights just how well he’s done in the movie and television business.

Whether he’s been telling his life story in “Young Rock” or going around the jungle in “Jumanji,” Johnson has proven himself to be a brilliant actor. But even though people are aware of his movies and the roles he’s played, there’s a lot that people don’t know about his career in Hollywood overall.

Johnson Eventually Decided Enough Was Enough

The Rock WWE Championship 2024

He was told to leave the wrestling talk behind
Johnson was advised to work out less and cut down his size

Whenever Dwayne Johnson is promoted in Hollywood nowadays, The Rock is always in the middle of his name. He brings his wrestling links to everything that he does, ensuring that nobody forgets about what originally made him famous, and what is still a huge passion of his.

However, after a while in his acting career, he was advised to ditch all of that. He was told to not spend his time talking about wrestling as well as to cut down on the gym and get slimmer. While he did it for a while, eventually he went against that advice and embraced his past.

He’s Friends With Vin Diesel

The Two Men Had A Famous Bust-Up

Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel together Cropped

Johnson returned to the “Fast & Furious” franchise
They made up privately

Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson are two of Hollywood’s biggest action stars, and seeing them work together in the “Fast & Furious” franchise led to a lot of success for them. Their movies were hits, and it led to great box office results, but ultimately the two of them ended up falling out.

It led to Johnson leaving the franchise, and their argument ended up being huge news due to their star power. However, the fact they’ve since made up and become friends again is something that fewer people have talked about. They patched up their issues and are now back on good terms.

He Gave The Miz Advice

Johnson Helped The A-Lister With His Own Acting Experience

The Miz has appeared in several movies
Johnson told him to be natural

The Miz and Dwayne Johnson have been in-ring rivals in the past, with the two men having competed against each other at WWE Survivor Series 2011. However, behind-the-scenes they’re friends, and that’s why The Miz reached out to Johnson when he was about to appear in his first movie.

Despite Johson being a busy man, he took the time to call the A-Lister and gave him as much advice as possible. It showcases the type of person Johnson is away from the cameras, going out of his way to help other wrestlers break into the movie business.

Reported Issues On Red One

More Than A Dozen People Complained About Him

Red One

Johnson reportedly missed entire days of production
The situation was described as a disaster

Dwayne Johnson has a brilliant public image, but a recent report about his role in the movie “Red One” saw a different side of him mentioned. People complained that he was chronically late, and lacked professionalism while being on set, which included him urinating into a bottle rather than going to the toilet.

Insiders had claimed he was late seven to eight hours per day and ended up costing the production $50 million because of that. That’s something he has since disputed, with this situation being an ongoing one lately.

Butted Heads With Ryan Reynolds

The Two Men Had Talks On Red Notice

Dwayne Johnson fights in Red Notice Cropped

Johnson was late on set regularly

The two men were the lead actors

Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson are seen as two of the nicest guys in Hollywood, but when they worked together for “Red Notice” they did have an issue. This was also due to Johnson’s reported tardiness, which is something that has become an increasing issue for him at times.

Reynolds ended up having to speak with him, according to reports, to try and solve the issue. They were able to continue working together after that, with the issue being resolved. But it showcases that Johnson isn’t always the hardest-working man in show business.

He Wants To Be Part Of The James Bond Franchise

Dwayne Johnson playing Luke Hobbs Cropped

His grandfather has appeared in the franchise
Johnson’s action skills would be well-suited

There are few bigger franchises in the movie industry than the “James Bond” franchise. The British spy is an iconic character, and over the years some of the greatest actors have been involved, whether portraying Bond himself or taking on a different role, and that’s something that Johnson wants to do.

While he’s admitted to wanting to play Bond rather than a villain, Johnson simply wants to be in the franchise at some point in the future. This is because his grandfather was in “You Only Live Twice,” having a fight scene with Sean Connery.

He Appeared In Star Trek Voyager

Johnson Had A Cameo Role On The Show

Dwayne Johnson in Star Trek Cropped

He appears in season six
He was the Pendari Champion

Dwayne Johnson is typically linked to major movie appearances, and because of that a lot of people aren’t aware of the fact he appeared in “Star Trek Voyager.” It’s one of the biggest television shows of all time, but because it was early in Johnson’s career it has ended up being forgotten about.

It’s something that many fans would likely find interesting, and it does showcase the type of reach that he has, even in the early stages of his career.

He Almost Played Willy Wonka

The Role Ultimately Went To Johnny Depp

Dwayne Johnson as Willy Wonka Cropped

The original is one of his favorite movies
Tim Burton considered him for the role

As hard as it is to imagine, at one point in time, Dwayne Johnson was on course to play the famous character, Willy Wonka. There have been several portrayals of Wonka over the years, and considering the type of character he is, it is quite hard to imagine Johnson in that particular role.

However, he was considered to take on the role by Tim Burton. While Johnson never went into detail about why he didn’t get the part, it ultimately went to Johnny Depp instead.