8. The Pogues Defeat Groff And Get Poguelandia Back
A Happy And Successful Quest

Season 5 of Outer Banks is currently in the pre-production stages and will begin filming in Spring 2025.
7. Kiara And Rafe Will End Up Together
Kiara And Rafe’s Romance Could Slowly Grow In The Years To Come

A divisive but strong fan theory believes Rafe and Kiara have to end up together. Although it certainly would be a shocking outcome, the prediction is not without evidence. Ever since they were kidnapped together in season 3, the pair demonstrated having a strange allure and undeniable chemistry, if anything, merely as enemies. However, Rafe’s Outer Banks redemption arc saw Kie develop some sympathy for the character, like when he cut him free when a storm took their ship, and as she witnessed his reconciliation with Sarah.
Both characters desire revenge at the end of season 4, hinting that season 5 will see Kie explore her dark side alongside the oldest Cameron sibling. As Rafe is closest to them, it makes sense that he will continue to develop his relationship with Kiara and Sarah. As Outer Banks’ JJ replacement, Rafe would be the likeliest option if the creators want to give Kiara a romance that could develop in the years following their big adventure. However, since Josh Pate confirmed Sofia will return in season 5 (via Deadline), perhaps Rafe will resume his commitment to her.
6. Wheezie And Rose Will Come Back For Season 5
The Cameron Family Will Be Reunited

Rose and the youngest Cameron’s absence from season 3 and season 4 hasn’t gone unnoticed, provoking petitions for season 5 of Outer Banks to fix the Wheezie problem. If the possibility of having the characters return seemed an unlikely one, Sarah and Rafe’s recent pull toward family offers hope for the Camerons to come together for the ending. Though season 5 could finally give the missing Wheezie Cameron a larger role in the show, it is more likely that she will merely reunite with her siblings, and share Ward’s money from the Royal Merchant.
5. The Blue Crown Will Resurrect JJ
Outer Banks Season 5 Will At Last Feature Magic

One of the wildest season 5 theories is one where the Pogues use the Blue Crown’s wish to bring their friend back. Presented as a magical trinket, the artifact’s invaluable power has certainly provoked many wars and bloodshed. In light of JJ’s tragic death in Outer Banks, speculation has risen regarding a possible miracle that allows the most loyal Pogue a happy ending alongside his friends. The idea of the Blue Crown bringing the character to life argues that Rudy Pankow’s public farewell to the show is meant to distract his shocking return for season 5.
If Outer Banks season 5 were to finally embrace magic, bringing JJ back would definitely be the way to do it.
4. Finch Is An Ancestor Of One Of The Pogues
Season 5 Could Offer One Last Ancestor Twist

Although it is unclear who Finch could be related to, John B seems like the likeliest choice.
The billionaire remained mysteriously absent from season 4, sparking theories regarding a season 5 identity reveal. The last season could present Finch as one last Outer Banks ancestor twist. Although it is unclear who Finch could be related to, John B seems like the likeliest choice. Season 4 already set a lot of connections between John B and the quest of the international criminal, as Big John told his son all about the Blue Crown and the history behind it. Finch being related to the Pogue would offer an unexpected and exciting twist that would allow him an epic final arc.
3. The Pogues Will Suffer At Least One More Loss
Rafe, Cleo, Or Kiara Will Die

Finales are known for featuring major character deaths, and Outer Banks season 5 is set to follow this tradition. Notably, all previous seasons resulted in an important loss, taking the lives of Sheriff Peterkin, Ward (twice), Big John, and now Terrance and JJ. The many deaths in Outer Banks season 4 turned it into the show’s deadliest chapter and set a bleak tone for what the Pogues are to face next. Going against their most dangerous opponents yet, John B, Sarah, Cleo, Kiara, Rafe, and Pope aren’t safe at all.
2. Season 5 Will Have A Focus On The Pogues’ Missing Moms
Season 5 Could Finally Answer The Mystery Behind John B’s Mom

As Outer Banks has consistently focused on terrible fathers and avoided giving any storyline to the Pogues’ missing mothers, the introduction of Larissa Genrette came as a shock. The season 4 maternal twist subverted expectations, opening the possibility for the long-requested return of Sarah and John B’s mothers. Although Larissa’s confirmed death failed to deliver the awaited plot, season 5 could finally address the Pogues’ absent parents. John B’s mother in Outer Banks, especially, has produced many theories throughout the seasons and remains a lingering and unanswered mystery.
The Outer Banks creators’ hesitancy to respond to Deadline’s queries about a potential “moms season 5 arc” is suspicious, especially considering the strong emphasis they give to Sarah’s pregnancy as an element that will wrap up “parental relationships” (via Tudum) in the final season. Whether the enigmatic mothers are alive or dead, the new season could have them be the center of one last revelation that brings the show full circle. Additionally, the mother route would successfully overcome any predictable scenarios for season 5, and increase suspense about the show’s ending.
1. John B And Sarah Are Telling The Story To Their Kid
A Fitting Ending That Would Bring Outer Banks Full Circle

Outer Banks has taken a lot of inspiration from the Uncharted games, and that might carry to its ending. An epilogue where Sarah and John B tell their adventures to their kid, just like Nate and Elena do in Uncharted 4, feels pretty fitting. As John B’s narration has remained an essential feature, it could result that all this time the element has been building up to the show’s “last scene” (via Tudum). Notably, Sarah is the only other character to narrate her point of view, raising the chances that she gets to tell their story as well.