In an interview with ScreenRant for his upcoming romantic drama Marked Men: Rule + Shaw, Stokes revealed that, although Outer Banks season 5 has been confirmed as the final season of the show, things are moving slowly with development, and Netflix has remained tight-lipped. He revealed that the writers are working hard to come up with an ending that satisfies the long-term narrative of the show, and gives the characters the send-off they deserve. Check out his comments below:
No rumble in the jungle. Netflix likes to keep things very tight-lipped, so we’re waiting patiently. I think, obviously, we want to finish this story in the ways that, hopefully, the world also wants us to do it right. So, I think the writers are diligently working away to figure out how to close this chapter of TV and move on to the next. So, nothing yet, but I’m sure, sooner than later, for sure.
What These Comments Mean For Outer Banks Season 5
The Show Will Seek To Go Out With A Bang
Outer Banks season 5 will pick up from the controversial season 4 finale, in which fan favorite JJ was killed by his biological father, Chandler Groff. There is a good chance that Groff will play a prominent role in season 5, but season 4 hinted at another villain who could also feature extensively in the final season. There are a lot of plot threads that will need to be ironed out, and tied up, in the final season of the show, and there is little doubt the writers are working on the best ways of successfully winding up the series.
It is still unclear the exact narrative direction Outer Banks season 5 will choose to take, but it’s likely the gang will finally uncover the legendary treasure they’ve been searching for all this time.
Outer Banks season 4 part 1 proved to be a major success story for Netflix, and it’s likely season 5 will also hit No. 1 on the streamer’s English TV chart when it finally arrives. There are many TV shows like it that may follow the series, but there is no question it has had a big impact on streaming, as well as redefining ensemble teen dramas. It’s unclear how many episodes the final season will run, but there is every chance it could be split into two parts like season 4 was.