Going into Monday’s Season 26 finale of The Voice, things were looking mighty good for rookie coach Michael Bublé. While fellow first-timer Snoop Dogg and returnees Gwen Stefani and Reba McEntire only managed to get one of their two contestants in the Top 8 all the way to the Top 5, the jazz crooner had successfully steered both Sofronio Vasquez and Shye across the finish line. But, when it counted the most, did they deliver the kind of performances that would get their coach — and themselves — the win? Read on…
Danny Joseph (Team Reba), “Ain’t No Love in Oklahoma” — Grade: B+ | Covering Luke Combs, Danny gave us a lot of the roar for which he’s so well-known and demonstrated a bit of his range, too. But although he’s a helluva showman, he didn’t put on much of a show here, certainly not as much of a show as he needed to be a contender. (Maybe because he was stuck behind his guitar?) “You never, ever disappoint me,” his coach said afterward. Well, he disappointed me; great vocal, just better-than-average performance.
Jeremy Beloate (Team Snoop), “What the World Needs Now Is Love” — Grade: A- | With his rendition of the golden oldie, Jeremy said that he hoped to bring America together. (Good luck with that.) Whether he succeeded, he at least delivered a gorgeous version of Jackie DeShannon’s classic. Jeremy was hella poised and his voice, as rich as it was enormous. (And that falsetto… damn!) When he was done, his coach was in tears. “You bring that feeling out of me,” Snoop said. Michael even promised he and Snoop would be there when Jeremy made his Broadway debut.
Shye (Team Bublé), “One of Us” — Grade: B | Jeez, as much as I love Shye, I can’t say that she has a knack for choosing the right songs (when it’s up to her). On Joan Osbourne’s 1990s smash, you could hear that Shye has powerful pipes — they’re hard to miss! — but this performance wasn’t anywhere near the perfect showcase for her talent that Brandi Carlile’s “The Joke” was. “Your voice is so good that even your microphone stand is intimidated by you,” said Michael (noting that she’d had a little struggle with the stand). Something tells me Sofronio Vasquez wasn’t intimidated.
Sydney Sterlace (Team Gwen), “I Love You, I’m Sorry” — Grade: C+ | No doubt, Sydney has a bright future ahead of her. But after hearing her Gracie Abrams cover, it didn’t seem like a win on The Voice was going to be a part of it. She had some lovely moments for sure but was also pitchy in (too many) spots and overall gave the impression that she was unsure. “You look like a movie star,” said Snoop, managing not to comment at all on Sydney’s vocal. Even the teen’s coach didn’t remark on the performance, instead reassuring Sydney that this was just the beginning for her.
Sofronio Vasquez (Team Bublé), “Unstoppable” — Grade: A | On Sia’s mega-hit (that had been “Motown-ized” by his coach), Sofronio made a compelling case for why he should be named the winner of Season 26. He handled the rapid-fire verses as if he spoke Sia as a third language, and on the choruses, he sang like a man possessed. Power. Passion. He even busted a move! “What the hell,” marveled his coach before suggesting that his mild-mannered contestant had transformed on stage the way Clark Kent did into Superman.
Jeremy Beloate (Team Snoop), “Dancing On My Own” — Grade: A | Wow. Way to sell a number! Jeremy’s voice was, as usual, superlative, a real thing of beauty. But what really made this performance so moving and memorable was how deeply he seemed to be feeling every lyric. Gwen was impressed that Jeremy had managed to deliver vocals that were well-thought-out and at the same time emotional. Uncle Snoop appreciated that Jeremy had taken his time and used his instrument — that is, his voice — as a complement to the actual instrumentation.
Danny Joseph (Team Reba), “Back to Black” — Grade: B | Ooo. Danny had me hooked on his Amy Winehouse cover from the start. Then… huh. Then he kinda lost me. When he worked in his signature raucous holler, it felt forced rather than authentic. “I love the way you always put a twist on records,” Snoop said. Me, too — when it works. Danny’s at his best when he’s bombastic, and this ballad didn’t allow him to really let loose organically. Guess he was a long shot, anyway, after singing for the Instant Save in the Semi-Finals.
Sofronio Vasquez (Team Bublé), “A Million Dreams” — Grade: A+ | Pun intended, Sofronio sounded like a million bucks on his Greatest Showman number. And he looked so freaking comfortable in the spotlight, it was crazy to think that we were watching a dental hygienist. What an amazing display of range, control and just plain honest emotion. “You’re big-time,” Snoop said afterward. “I need to borrow Reba’s Kleenex,” Michael admitted. When Sofronio got choked up, so did I.
Sydney Sterlace (Team Gwen), “Chasing Cars” — Grade: C | On Snow Patrol’s ballad, the season’s youngest contestant got off on the wrong foot and only now and then found solid ground thereafter. Mostly, she came off shouty, so much so that not even a levitating bed and explosive lightshow could distract from the performance’s shortcomings. When all was said and sung, Reba encouraged Sydney to remember all the little girls who’d be watching and looking up to her — and to her credit, she does seem like a well-spoken potential role model.
Shye (Team Bublé), “Falling” — Grade: A+ | Whereas I wasn’t nuts about Shye’s One Direction cover, Harry Styles’ hit seemed like a much more promising selection for her. And boy oh boy, was it. From note No. 1, Shye owned the song. She was 100 percent in control and yet pouring out a vocal that was stunningly full of emotion. Where has this level of song choice been for her all season? Maybe Sofronio didn’t have the win quite as in the bag as I had gone into the night thinking that he did. The audience “heard ya, kid,” Michael told Shye, assuring her that he and Snoop had already been discussing her future.