Tom Cruise’s Tropic Thunder dance is one of the most famous scenes from the movie, but director Ben Stiller had to be talked into filming it. Tropic Thunder is a 2008 all-star action-comedy, where a group of pampered movie stars making a Vietnam war movie run afoul of a drug cartel in the Golden Triangle. The movie received mostly good reviews and was a solid hit, but while it can be genuinely hilarious in its parody of Hollywood moviemaking, it attracted controversy for elements like Robert Downey Jr’s character – an intense method actor – donning blackface to play a role.
Tropic Thunder cast Tom Cruise in a surprise cameo as Les Grossman, the monstrous producer behind the movie the actors are filming. Cruise was going through something of a slow period in his career prior to Tropic Thunder, with 2006’s Mission: Impossible III proving to be the lowest-grossing of the series while award baiting drama Lions For Lambs also underperformed. While Grossman is ultimately a small role, Cruise’s sheer commitment to the role and endless stream of quotable dialogue made him a highlight.
Tom Cruise donned lots of prosthetics to portray Len, including a fat suit and a bald cap. Some viewers didn’t even realize it was Cruise in the role until Tropic Thunder’s credits, which also featured arguably the movie’s comic highlight. This sees Grossman, bathing in the awards success of the movie he produced, pulling off some wicked dance moves in his office set to Ludacris’s “Get Back.” In 2019 Cruise reflected on the movie during an interview with Conan O’Brien, and revealed Ben Stiller was VERY hesitant about the dance and most of the actor’s ideas for the part.
When Stiller first offered Cruise Les Grossman, it was the latter’s suggestion for the character to dance and have “fat hands.” The director didn’t quite gel with these ideas and asked if Cruise could just play the role looking like himself with zero dancing. Cruise followed his instincts for Tropic Thunder and decided to do a make-up test for Stiller, which included doing some dance moves. Stiller was still doubtful as he watched Cruise perform without any backing music, but afterward when took footage from this test and cut it to “Get Back,” he realized he had gold.
The positive reaction to Cruise’s role in Tropic Thunder almost led to the creation of a Les Grossman spinoff, but while a script was developed it yet to happen. It’s strange that one of the most iconic moments in the comedy hit almost didn’t happen, but it’s a testament to Tom Cruise’s commitment to a bit that it’s still so fondly remembered.