Fargo star Sam Spruell has offered a speculative response regarding Ole Munch’s fate after the end of season 5, discussing what might have happened to him after the show’s ending. Fargo season 5 ended with the 500-year-old sin eater approaching Dot and her family, saying that a debt has to be paid for everything that’s happened. However, she makes him realize that his code about debts and owing people is flawed, as well as his perspective on his immortality, allowing him to finally be happy for the first time in hundreds of years.

Speaking with Screen Rant, Spruell speculated on what happened to Ole Munch following the events of Fargo season 5. Because he is no longer trapped by his sin, the actor believes he could have done anything with his life, perhaps even something positive that still retained elements of his code. Check out what Spruell had to say below:

It’s funny. My son reads a bit about what people are saying about Munch. I don’t really read that kind of stuff. He tells me some really funny things. He said, “Dad, people are writing all kinds of stuff about you and the character,” and I think that’s wonderful if [Munch] has excited people’s imaginations. I like to think that, certainly, his brush with Dot Lyon and her family have, like I said, broken the cycle of his own life, his own life that’s trapped in sin, and their kindness and compassion towards him maybe nudges him into thinking that he doesn’t have to carry on doing the evil bidding of other people.

He can, I don’t know, become a gardener. Work with nature. I don’t know. Something where his code is facilitated in a way that he does an honest job. He gets paid an honest wage for an honest day’s work. It’s quite boring, but I think he deserves that after 500 years of hardship and living in sin. I think he deserves a quiet job where the demands on him are not too heavy, and he can exist in a kind of solitude that I think he would be comfortable with.

What Ole Munch Could Have Done After Fargo Season 5

Season 6 Could Revisit His Story
Ole Munch smiling in Fargo

Ole Munch’s curse has caused him to surround himself with sin for hundreds of years, becoming an assassin who’s later hired by Roy Tillman to kidnap Dot and bring her back to his ranch. He soon becomes a force for the Sheriff to deal with, as his belief in the debt of sin makes him feel like he needs to harm others so what’s owed can be paid. It’s not until the show’s protagonist shows him another way that he realizes he doesn’t need to live in sin, and that he can find his own happiness in the world.

However, with this newfound freedom also comes endless possibilities for what he could have done with his life following the end of season 5. Spruell’s belief that he wound up living a quiet life is likely close to the truth, as he no longer needs to indulge in sin now that he’s been shown another way. However, due to the amount of destruction he’s no doubt caused in his past, whatever he does will have to be done somewhere where unexpected consequences don’t come knocking at his door.

Given how every season of the show has some form of connection with the others, a possible Fargo season 6 could briefly reveal what happened to him following the end of season 5. This could give his story a fitting epilogue, something that doesn’t compromise the ending he got while giving it some larger context. Given how thematically important his ending was, though, another option is to continue leaving it up for speculation.