Fortunately, it doesn’t look like The Rings of Power will drag the mystery surrounding the Stranger out too long. And it almost certainly won’t leave the question of his identity open-ended. A running thread from The Rings of Power season 2 suggests we’ll learn the Stranger’s name very soon. It’s a strong possibility that the sophomore season will confirm he’s Gandalf, though the series could throw a curveball at viewers in the coming episodes.
The Rings Of Power Season 2 Strongly Suggests The Stranger’s Name Will Be Spoken On The Show
Nori Brandyfoot Is Trying To Come Up With A Name For Him

The character’s insistence that one’s name belongs to them already means that his will probably be uttered at some point during The Rings of Power season 2.
The character’s insistence that one’s name belongs to them already means that his will probably be uttered at some point during The Rings of Power season 2. It may return to him if he has more flashes of his forgotten home. It could also come to the Stranger as he embarks on this next adventure, which could force him to face another Istar or save his Harfoot friends.
Who The Stranger Could Be In The Rings Of Power
Gandalf Is The Most Obvious Answer (But He Could Be A Blue Wizard)

The Stranger is definitely an Istar in The Rings of Power, and that limits what character he can actually be. There are only five wizards in J.R.R. Tolkien’s books: Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and two Blue Wizards. Of these characters, the Stranger seems most likely to be Gandalf. His appearance is similar to that of Gandalf the Gray, and he has many of the same mannerisms. These aren’t the only clues that the Stranger is Gandalf, and The Rings of Power season 2 even emphasizes that the wizard can’t perform magic without a “gand” — something that could become part of his name.
It seems highly unlikely that the Stranger will turn out to be Saruman or Radagast, though Amazon’s Lord of the Rings show would shock viewers with such a revelation. The only other possibility is that he’s one of the Blue Wizards. This would give The Rings of Power leeway with his characterization, as Tolkien’s work doesn’t focus heavily on these Istari. Fortunately, The Rings of Power season 2 will probably solve this mystery soon, settling the debate on who Weyman’s character is once and for all.