1. First, in the Marvel comics, the Salem Seven, who are made up of Nicholas Scratch’s children, can also shape-shift into various animals, which is seen in the opening minutes of Episode 5. For instance, one of the members is Reptilla, who can turn into a snake.

Three shots: a raven on a branch, a snake slithering on leaves, and a masked figure in a forest setting

Marvel / Disney+

In the comics, the Salem Seven become enemies with the Scarlet Witch and the Fantastic Four. The members of the group are Reptilla, Brutacus, Gazelle, Hydron, Thornn, Vakume, and Vertigo.

Instead of making the Salem Seven made up of Nicholas Scratch’s children, Agatha All Along has the coven made up of the children from Agatha’s original coven.

2. While trying to escape the Salem Seven, Teen suggests the coven do a “hexenbesen,” which means riding on brooms. The word stems from German, with “hexen” meaning “witches” and besen meaning “broom.”

Teen suggesting a hexenbesen and various members of the coven objecting, with Rio saying "Yeah"

Marvel / Disney+

3. While flying above the road before they crash back down, Rio gives an iconic witch’s laugh, which is most well-known thanks to the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz (1939).

Rio flying on a broom and laughing vs a scene from The Wizard of Oz featuring the Wicked Witch laughing at Glinda and Dorothy

Marvel / Disney+ / MGM

4. When the coven enters the cabin for this week’s trial, they are transformed into people at an ’80s-style sleepover/summer camp. This is the fifth episode of Agatha All Along, and the fifth episode of WandaVision was also ’80s (and ’90s) themed.

Agatha in Episode 5 of Agatha All Along vs Agatha in Episode 5 of WandaVision, both wearing '80s outfits

Marvel / Disney+

5. Inside the cabin, you can spot a phases of the moon stained glass window in the corner. The phases of the moon have been on the doors of the various houses where the trials have taken place in previous episodes.

A close-up of a stained glass window with light shining through and the phases of the moon displayed

Marvel / Disney+

6. Above the door, you can also spot “Westview” and “Eastview” pennants.

A close-up of pennants reading "Westview" and "Eastview"

Marvel / Disney+

7. Teen’s costume inside the cabin resembles Billy Kaplan/Wiccan’s costume from the comic books. In WandaVision Episode 6, Billy also wore a similarly styled outfit for Halloween.

Teen in a blue headband with a red and grey shirt vs Billy in a blue headband and a red cape

Marvel / Disney+

8. In the cabin, while the coven communes with the spirits using the Ouija board, you can see the TV in the background is just static. This is likely a nod to Poltergeist (1982), which famously features a family talking to ghosts in order to save their daughter.

Agatha sitting in front of a TV with static in the background vs a scene from Poltergeist with Carole Anne reaching for the TV

Marvel / Disney+ / MGM

9. You can see that Agatha’s pendant has been turned into a bracelet for this ’80s-themed trial.

Hands gathered around an Ouija board with fingers on the planchette, various watches and bracelets visible

Marvel / Disney+

In the episode, Rio’s dagger also turns into a hairbrush with a pointy shank-like end.

10. The Ouija board tells the coven that “death” is with them tonight, and Rio laughs. This adds to the theory that Rio is actually Death.

People gathered around a Ouija board, candles lit; two women looking concerned in a dimly lit room

Marvel / Disney+

11. While the ghostly screaming is happening in the cabin, Lilia remarks that she hated this the first time. This is likely what she was hearing in Episode 2 when she began screaming while Agatha and Teen were visiting her.

Lilia saying, "I hated this the first time" vs her screaming in Episode 2

Marvel / Disney+

12. Agatha’s possession during the trial is an homage to classic horror movies like The Exorcist (1973).

Rio saying, "Sweetheart, you okay?" as Agatha bends backwards in a darkly lit room

Marvel / Disney+

13. While pleading with the coven not to leave her alone with her mother, Agatha says that she can be good. In WandaVision Episode 8, Agatha says a similar thing during the flashback to when her mother and coven tried to destroy her.

Agatha saying, "I can be good! Please" in both "Agatha All Along" and "WandaVision"

Marvel / Disney+

14. When Agatha sucks away Alice’s powers, it’s exactly like what we saw Agatha attempt to do to Wanda in the WandaVision series finale.

Agatha using her purple powers on Alice vs. a gaunt looking Wanda in WandaVision

Marvel / Disney+

In Agatha All Along Episode 2, Agatha also told Lilia she can only take someone’s powers if they blast her with them, and that’s exactly what Alice did.

15. When the Ouija board spells out Nicholas Scratch, and Teen says it out loud, it’s confirmation that he isn’t Agatha’s son because, with the sigil placed upon him, he wouldn’t be able to say his name and have the coven understand it.

Teen yelling "Nicholas Scratch" while Agatha looks surprised

Marvel / Disney+

16. Again, adding to the Rio is Death theory, when the rest of the coven leaves the cabin, Rio stays behind with Alice’s dead body.

Rio looking down at Alice's dead body, which is grey

Marvel / Disney+

17. When Agatha tells Teen he’s just like his mother, you can hear what sounds like a version of the WandaVision end credits score by Christophe Beck.

Agatha holding Teen's chin and saying, "You're so much like your mother"

Marvel / Disney+

18. Alright, HERE WE GO, PEOPLE. When Teen uses his powers, you can see they are blue, which is the same color as Billy Kaplan/Wiccan’s in the comic books. It also matches how Wanda uses her powers, too.

Teen's hands glowing blue vs. Wanda's hands glowing red

Marvel / Disney+

Previously, we saw Billy in WandaVision use his powers and for them to be blue, too.

19. Then, when Teen uses his powers to control Jen and Lilia, it’s something Wanda is also able to do. In fact, she notably did it in WandaVision Episode 5 when she stepped outside the Hex and confronted Hayward.

Jen and Lilia with blue eyes looking stunned vs. SWORD agents in WandaVision with red eyes pointing their weapons

Marvel / Disney+

Yes, this is also Episode 5, so I love the parallels.

20. Of course, the crown forming on Teen’s head resembles the crown that formed on Wanda’s head during WandaVision. And it resembles the Scarlet Witch’s famous headpiece from the comic books and MCU.

Teen with a blue crown vs Wanda with a red crown

Marvel / Disney+

21. And finally, while his real name still hasn’t been uttered on Agatha All Along, the use of “You Should See Me in a Crown” by Billie Eilish connecting to Teen’s name being Billy is just another reason this needle drop at the end is genius.

Teen staring intensely in a scene from Agatha All Along