Fallout 4 features some overpowered weapons that are borderline broken in the right hands and prove why Call of Duty needs to learn from the RPG.

fallout 4, call of duty

Dropping all the way back in 2015, Fallout 4, despite its issues, has been regarded as one of the most significant entries in the franchise. The title takes gamers to the year 2287, where they are tasked with finding their missing child after waking up inside a vault.

The Vault Dweller looks down at Dogmeat in Fallout 4.Fallout 4, despite its flaws, brings some incredible features to the table. Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Fallout 4 is considered to be one of the most polished games in the series and does a lot of things right that other games fail to do so. One of its best parts is the weapon pool it brings for the players. Somehow, it has one weapon that even triumphs over whatever Activision has brought to the iconic FPS franchise, Call of Duty.

Fallout 4’s Weapons Prove Todd Howard and Bethesda’s Supremacy

The phenomenal Fallout 4 brings a dizzying number of weapons for gamers to find and modify in their efforts to recover their son and bring peace to the Commonwealth. Some of these weapons can boast so much firepower that they can completely alter your gameplay and elevate your experience to the next level.

One of the most powerful weapons in the game is undoubtedly the Explosive Combat Shotgun. Not only does it benefit from all the perks of being a high-powered shotgun, but its bullets also explode on contact to deal massive damage to a group of enemies surrounding the target. Players over on the game’s official subreddit consider this weapon an absolute necessity for every playthrough.

The Explosive Combat Shotgun in Fallout 4 truly stands out with its crude design and brutal functionality. What’s even better is the weapon’s customization options that allow you to upgrade it to your suited playstyle. When we compare these design choices to Call of Duty‘s streamlined weapons, the Explosive Combat Shotgun feels immersive and grounded in the post-apocalyptic world.

The shotgun is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weapons in Fallout 4. The game features tons of other weapons, such as Shishkebab, Righteous Authority, and The Striker, which are quite fun. Heck, the game even has an option for you to eliminate an alien and steal its gun; it doesn’t get any better.

It’s clear that Todd Howard and Bethesda went to the next level for weapon designing in Fallout 4, which has allowed the game to even triumph over FPS titles. Let’s hope with the next Fallout title, the company can carry forward this momentum and bring us some exciting weapons once again.

Bethesda Must Resolve This One Problem in Next Fallout

The Vault Dweller fires at a raider.Todd Howard needs to focus on technical issues in Fallout 5. Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Although Bethesda still hasn’t given us a peek at Fallout 5, it’s already confirmed to be in development in some fashion, and the studio’s follow-up to Elder Scrolls 6.

The iconic franchise stands as the face of the RPG genre, with Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 bringing a memorable experience. However, Bethesda has a constant habit of going over the top in its design scopes, which leaves some rough edges around the seams.

Sure, it’s these design ambitions that gave us some of the best weapons in Fallout 4. However, the bugs and technical issues they bring have proven to be a nightmare. Although Bethesda has tried fixing these, a few never end up leaving and become an integral part of the experience, which is absolutely diabolical.

Many gamers in the community blame Bethesda’s old Creation engine for these problems. In the end, it becomes the modders’ duty to fix the game’s horrendous AI, code, and animations.

If Bethesda doesn’t want the next post-apocalyptic game to be a complete failure, the company must take note of these problems and give the title necessary development time to sort out issues.

With that said, what do you like about Fallout 4? Let us know in the comments below.