Following the conclusion of “Arcane,” the acclaimed animated series set in the “League of Legends” universe, fans can look forward to more adventures from Riot Games. Showrunner Christian Linke has confirmed that three new series are currently in development, each exploring different regions of the game’s expansive world.
In a recent interview with streamer Necrit94, Linke shared that the upcoming shows will focus on Noxus, Ionia, and Demacia—three distinct areas within the “League of Legends” lore. These regions are known for their unique cultures and histories, offering rich backdrops for new stories.
Linke also mentioned that the first of these new series has been in development for about a year. While no specific release dates have been announced, this timeline suggests that fans might not have to wait as long as they did for “Arcane,” which took several years to produce.
The decision to end “Arcane” with its second season was intentional, allowing the creative team to focus on new narratives within the “League of Legends” universe. By exploring different regions, Riot Games aims to expand its storytelling and delve into the diverse characters and settings that make up its world.
As development progresses, fans can anticipate more updates on these projects. The success of “Arcane” has set a high standard, and the upcoming series are expected to continue delivering engaging stories and high-quality animation.