Justin Bieber has just revealed that he’s been “struggling a lot” during his recent battle with depression—and RadarOnline.com has learned the shocking details.

A source exclusively told RadarOnline.com, “Justin is dealing with mental health issues that have come at him like a tornado.”

Weeks ago, it was reported that the pop star, 25, was seeking treatment for depression.

And in an emotional post via Instagram early this Sunday morning, March 10, 2019, Bieber wrote, with a photo of himself with Kanye West and manager Scooter Braun, “Just wanted to keep you guys updated a little bit hopefully what I’m going through will resonate with you guys.”

The devout Christian disclosed to fans that he’d “been struggling a lot. Just feeling super disconnected and weird… I always bounce back so I’m not worried just wanted to reach out and ask for your guys to pray for me.”

Justin concluded his message by writing, “God is faithful and ur prayers really work thanks .. the most human season I’ve ever been in facing my stuff head on.”

The insider told RadarOnline.com, “Justin has lived his whole life to be whatever he needed to be to everyone and he does not know who he is.”

The singer, who wed Hailey Baldwin after a quickie romance, “got away from his music and went right into the marriage. He thought that God and the church would cure him and it didn’t. He thought Hailey would fix him and she can’t. He is under the care of a team of medical professionals,” the source said.

“They are trying to figure out which medications are going to work with him but the problem is he’s resistant to meds in general.”

But RadarOnline.com’s insider added, “He will be okay, he has people who love and care about him around 24/7.”

Although Bieber and Baldwin have been inseparable since saying “I do” in a courthouse in September 2018, the model recently admitted to Vogue, “Marriage is very hard.”

He’s also recently been spotted crying uncontrollably in public and carrying self-help books about marriage.

The couple admitted they’ve already attended couple’s therapy.

Bieber told the magazine that he had spent years being a womanizer, using hard drugs and partying until he could no longer keep himself up. It all led to severe depression.

“I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super-promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed.

“Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing, ” he said.

Eventually, Bieber moved back home to New Jersey to undergo an unofficial detox. Though he was only there for a few weeks and still drinks alcohol socially, he’s said he hasn’t touched a drug since.

“I’m really proud of him. To do it without a program, and to stick with it without a sober coach or AA or classes—I think it’s extraordinary. He is, in ways, a walking miracle,” his wife Baldwin gushed.