Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair via InclusionFX YouTube
Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair continued to trot out the victim card while also attempting to deny that her company’s end goal is to wokeify and take over the video game industry.
Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair via InclusionFX YouTube
In an interview with Black Girl Gamers on YouTube, Belair said, “I think of us almost as patient zero of this wave of Gamergate. When I think of it where it started it was kind of the week that we had announced that we were on both Alan Wake 2 and Spider-Man 2, which are two, I think, popular games among the game community and players in general.
She continued, “Immediately, I think the targeting began with this kind of like, ‘We found this secret, sinister website from Sweet Baby Inc. Meanwhile, we’re on Twitter like, ‘I’m just so excited to let people know that we worked on these two really great games.’”
“And the assumption was essentially made that our work on that had not been story or narrative or character related. It had been to make a black character exist in Alan Wake 2 and to put pride flags in Spider-Man 2. And that was kind of like the assumption that we had wokeified the video games,” Belair added.
Kim Belair via BlackGirlGamers YouTube
READ: Sweet Baby Inc. CEO And Co-Founder Kim Belair Compares White Male Gamers To Picky Babies
She continued, “As a company we worked on over 80 games together so there was plenty of fodder for people to start going, ‘Oh! Is this the reason that all of these games are now woke? That they have people of color in them, or queer people, or any marginalized identities at all. Or even sometimes they perceive like, ‘Oh, this woman’s design is not quite as it used to be and I think it used to be hotter.’ So there’s a lot of stuff that’s been put on us. Both things that we did work on. Things that we didn’t.”
“And then we kind of just became shorthand for the wokification of gaming,” she said.
Kim Belair via GDC YouTube
However, Belair made it abundantly clear that her entire goal and her company’s goal was to wokeify gaming back in 2019 during the Game Developers Conference. She said, “None of what we’re doing is about ticking boxes or about a veneer of wokeness. We actually have to care about making this stuff.”
In fact, during that presentation Belair made it clear that she would weaponize cancel culture to achieve her goals. She said, “If you’re creative working in AAA, which I did for many years, put this stuff up to your higher-ups. And if they don’t see the value and what you’re asking for when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what’s going to happen if they don’t give you what you want.”
“Because they have to consider– I say that out loud as a joke, but it’s actually very, very true because if you start to consider the people who are player and audience facing and you have to deal with mitigating harm and with keeping the sentiment around their game and their project positive, there’s like a genuine value that you could impress upon them both ethically and financially. You could say this is important,” she said.
Belair elaborated, “It’s also a valid discussion to have because if you’re working with a thin narrative budget and you work in AAA, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised or dismayed by the amount of money that marketing can give you.”
A screenshot of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (2023), Insomniac Games
This would not be the only time she would express such aims. In an interview with InclusionFX, she said she wanted to take over the video game industry.
She said, “Today, what we do is writing, narrative design, story building, story breaking as our first and foremost. But on a secondary level we work very hard to get marginalized talent into the industry, to protect them the way that we would want to have been protected, to lift them up, and to get them into an industry where they’re too often shut out.”
Belair then admitted, “And basically, I think, to take over in the hopes that some really dope people will be able to lead into a kind of a new era for an industry that’s been kind of been, you know, the same way too long.”
In fact, Sweet Baby Inc.’s website makes it very clear what the company’s goals are.
It says, “Our mission is to tell better, more empathetic stories while diversifying and enriching the video games industry. We aim to make games more engaging, more fun, more meaningful, and more inclusive, for everyone.”
Sweet Baby Inc. About Us section
Despite all of this, Belair attempted to gaslight viewers of the BlackGirlGamers YouTube channel by offering her own definition of what it means to wokeify gaming.
She said, “It’s the greater movement, right, towards a lot of like very far right thinking, and a lot of, you know, very regressive material that’s kind of just being pushed out across a lot of different- or at least like a lot of the audiences of a lot of different industries are currently kind of talking about that. And obviously the political landscape is kind of led to to a lot of this.”
“I think for a lot of people it really comes down to they see a change that they themselves did not expect,” Belair posited. “They see a change that they can’t fathom that their beloved companies or their beloved teams whatever make themselves. So they kind of assume that anyone who comes in who looks like myself or other members of my team are the interlopers. Our job can only be tied to our identity.”
A screenshot from Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn (2024), A44 Games
Belair then attempted to address what she sees as misinformation about her company despite her repeated statements about what her company does, “Speaking of misinformation, I think the biggest thing for us during this campaign is that I would say that any kind of sensitivity work or consulting work in cultural consultation probably represents about 15% of our work where the vast majority of it is actually writing, narrative design, joining writing teams, helping support writing teams, sometimes being the entire writing team for a project, or helping with mission design. But the part that really, really gets everyone assuming that we can’t possibly do that other work because all we are is, you know ‘DEI.’”
“We became labeled as this DEI company when the facts of the way that we work is that someone calls in and says, ‘Hey, we’ve made a bunch of choices. We’d love for you to either help write, help look at them, help talk to us, and even sometimes our cultural consultation is as specific, you know, it’s job consultation,” she said. “That it’s we had to hire a meteorologist at one point to do a consult on a project. And I think that idea of authenticity for people if you say like, ‘Oh, we hired a lawyer because we have to, you know, write about lawyers no one would ever bat an eye, but they can’t imagine that you’d want to bring in someone from a specific background or country or experience to talk about this.”
“And I think there’s this idea that, you know, if a game company is reaching out to external that’s because they’re missing something or they can’t handle something and not because, you know, in the very real world of creation across many different media people talk to each other, people have writers rooms. Directors and writers of huge movies to to each others houses and talk and do, you know, punch-ups to each other’s scripts. And that’s kind of, you know, how creativity works, but this is what it’s become,” she concluded.
A screenshot from Alan Wake II (2023), Remedy Entertainment
As noted above, Sweet Baby Inc. labels itself as a DEI company. Furthermore, as Bishop Barron informed Angelus News, woke ideologues like Belair “advocate a deeply antagonistic social theory, whereby the world is divided sharply into the two classes of oppressors and oppressed. Second, they relativize moral value and see classical morality as an attempt by the ruling class to maintain itself in power. Third, they focus, not so much on the individual, as on racial and ethnic categories and hence they endorse the idea of collective guilt and recommend a sort of reverse discrimination to address the injustices of the past. Fourth, they tend to demonize the market economy and the institutions of democracy as part of a superstructure defending the privileged. Fifth, they push toward equity of outcome throughout the society, rather than equality of opportunity.”
He added, “And finally, ‘wokeism’ employs divisive and aggressive strategies of accusation that are contrary to the Gospel demand to love our enemies. Suffice it to say that Catholic Social Teaching stands athwart all of this. It wants social justice, of course, but not on ‘woke’ terms. Its heroes are not Marx, Nietzsche, and Foucault, but rather Isaiah, Amos, Jeremiah, Jesus the Lord, Ambrose, Aquinas, and Teresa of Calcutta.”