American Horror Story continues to not-so-subtly build its connected universe, and while it has already solved some old mysteries, it has also made others more confusing, such as what happened to Kit’s children after Asylum, as American Horror Story: Double Feature made their nature more confusing. American Horror Story has explored a variety of fears and creatures, and for its second season, the widely acclaimed Asylum, it mixed two very different themes that, ultimately, worked quite well: a mental institution and aliens.

One of American Horror Story: Asylum’s main characters was Kit Walker (Evan Peters), a young man falsely accused of the killings committed by the Bloody Face murderer after he had a close encounter with aliens. Among the twists and turns in Asylum was that both his wives, Alma and Grace, were abducted and impregnated by the aliens, giving birth to a daughter and a son, respectively. The aliens made a return in American Horror Story: Double Feature, where their purpose and more were finally explained, but that also raised more questions about what happened to Kit’s children after Asylum.

What AHS: Asylum Revealed About Kit’s Children

American Horror Story Asylum Kit Grace

At the beginning of AHS: Asylum, Kit was married to Alma, but their marriage was kept secret as they were an interracial couple. In the first episode, she was abducted by the aliens, so her disappearance led the authorities to believe Kit was the Bloody Face murderer and that he killed Alma. Many episodes later, when Kit and Grace were out of Briarcliff and went to his home, they found Alma, alive and well, holding her newborn child, Julia, as the aliens impregnated her. Grace, on the other hand, was an inmate at Briarcliff who started a relationship with Kit at the asylum, but Sister Jude (Jessica Lange) and Doctor Arden (James Cromwell) went to extremes to keep them apart. Grace was visited by the aliens and was later revived by them, but she was also impregnated and gave birth to a boy, Thomas.

Kit, Alma, and Grace raised their children together, but Grace and Alma had opposite beliefs about the aliens and their purpose, with the former seeing their children as evil and full of malice while the latter saw them as miracles, and in the end, Alma killed Grace, was sent to Briarcliff, and died there. Thomas and Julia, then, continued to be raised by Kit, who later counted on the help of Sister Jude, and Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson) became their godmother. Lana mentioned at the end of Asylum that Thomas became a law professor at Harvard and Julia became a neurosurgeon, but AHS never mentioned them again, which is now strange after what Double Feature explained about the aliens’ purpose.

What AHS: Double Feature Revealed About The Aliens

Doctors operating on an alien in American Horror Story Death Valley

American Horror Story: Double Feature’s second part, Death Valley, revealed that the aliens’ home world was dying, so they made a deal with President Eisenhower that allowed them to abduct 5000 Americans every year in exchange for alien technology, this with the purpose of assimilating life on Earth in order to survive. Failed alien/human hybrids were killed, which explains why Kit’s children look like humans and were allowed to live, as they would have been successful subjects – however, a grown-up alien/human hybrid with a not-entirely human appearance was introduced in Double Feature, so not all were killed.

These hybrids were said to change the world, but if Kit’s children were successful subjects, it’s strange that American Horror Story never mentioned them again. AHS: Double Feature ended up being one of the show’s weakest seasons, and it made past concepts and mysteries more confusing, so either Julia and Thomas weren’t that special and didn’t “change the world” as they were supposed to, or the writers of American Horror Story forgot about them.