The Wednesday producer complimented the star, praising her professionalism on set. He even said that Ortega had “a special place” in his heart because she was a horror movie pro — a genre which Burton himself holds near and dear. “She’s one of the most aware, not only as an actress, but everything, around the camera, the set. She’s a very special talent. And she’s done a lot of horror movies, which I love too. That gave her a special place in my heart. ‘Oh, you’re doing another horror. Good,'” he elaborated.
The renowned director claimed that he felt a connection to the show primarily because he “related” to the main character. However, the also acknowledged that there would be no Wednesday if it weren’t for Ortega, who made the character richer and gave her the much-needed dimension. “When I did Wednesday, the reason I loved it is I just related to the character so much. But to me, it could not have been done without her. You can write it good, you can do whatever you want to do, but that kind of a character would need such clarity and purity and strength. A person has to have that. So for me, she basically made the show that way,” said Burton.
The release date Wednesday Season 2 is yet to be announced by Netflix.