The Istari, as they are known in Lord of the Rings’ Elvish language of Quenya, were sent by the Valar to Middle-earth to oppose Sauron. These demigods were below no one in Middle-earth in power other than the One god, Eru Ilúvatar. So, the Istari were very high up in Middle-earth’s chain of command. This truly begs the question of why one of them would have forgotten something as important as the name of one of the few others of their order. But there were both behind-the-scenes and narrative reasons explaining this bizarre moment in The Hobbit.
The Istari’s Arrival In Middle-earth Could Explain Gandalf Forgetting The Blue Wizards
The Istari Were Not Normal Maiar In Lord Of The Rings

The Lord of the Rings’ Istari had hazy memories of their former lives in Aman and the Timeless Halls, explaining why Gandalf may have forgotten the names of both Blue Wizards. The Istari were all Maiar like Sauron, the order of Ainur below the Valar. These supernatural beings were truly immortal and spirit beings innately, communicating by thought naturally and only assuming bodies if they had to. This came with the obvious powers of invisibility, teleportation, and flying, with all Ainur able to shapeshift unless they became somehow bound to their body. The Istari were bound, their native power reduced.
Unfinished Tales explains how the Istari had “bodies as of Men, real and not feigned,” indicating the very close approximation these bodies had to human ones. They were not quite human, since they aged incredibly slowly and remained “hale” (spritely) despite their biological old age. However, these compromised Maiar – inhibited so as not to encourage the kind of worship Lord of the Rings’ Sauron requested – could only process whatever their humanized brains were capable of. Plus, “all memory of… former life… passed” through an interval between embodiments in Middle-earth, “and… must, therefore, be re-clothed.”
The BTS Reason Gandalf Forgot The Blue Wizards’ Names
Gandalf’s Foggy Memory Was Very Convenient For Peter Jackson

Unfinished Tales was published in 1980.
The Blue Wizards were called Alatar and Pallando in one of Tolkien’s drafts about them, and Morinehtar and Rómestámo in another. Tolkien clearly hadn’t decided what to call the Blue Wizards. For the Tolkien Estate to give the rights out to this material would enable filmmakers to make this decision for him. Amazon Prime Video’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has been awarded one-off rights to parts of texts other than LotR and The Hobbit, but Warner Bros, to this date, has not. Instead, Peter Jackson played on Tolkien’s rich Istari lore to support his movie.
LotR Could Be About To Add To The Blue Wizards’ Story
The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power May Explore The Blue Wizards

We have no plans or intention to have him be Saruman. We are not thinking of him as Saruman. We know there are five wizards talked about in The Lord of the Rings. One of them is Saruman, one of them is Gandalf, one of them is Radagast, and then there are two others. It is our expectation that he will be one of those two others.
The showrunners were responding to the rumor circulating that the Dark Wizard was Saruman, which would have made no sense, as explained by the showrunners in the Q&A. This means that viewers got a sneak peek into the likeliest scenario facing the show’s third season, which will probably confirm the identity of the Istar. With original character Halbrand revealed as Sauron in The Rings of Power season 1 finale and the original Stranger character confirmed to be Gandalf in the season 2 finale, it stands to reason for the Dark Wizard’s identity to be unveiled in the season 3 finale.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has been awarded one-off rights to parts of texts other than LotR and The Hobbit.