In the latest Marvel saga, ‘Venom War,’ the stakes are high as new casualties emerge. For the first time, we see a gamma-irradiated character turn into Venom—She-Hulk.
This isn’t just any transformation; it’s a full-scale zombiote virus infection that changes Jennifer Walters in ways you have to see to believe.
As Spider-Man battles it out over the future of symbiotes in ‘Venom War: Zombiotes #3‘ by Cavan Scott and Juan José Ryp, some lesser-known heroes from Spider-Man’s past face the consequences of the undead coming back to life with symbiotes. She-Hulk steps in to help but gets caught and infected by the virus herself.
In a shocking turn of events, She-Hulk undergoes a monstrous transformation into a zombified Venom, leaving us wondering if she will ever return to her former self.
This version of She-Hulk as Venom brings an eerie, powerful new player to Marvel, combining elements of a zombie virus with an alien invasion.
In their desperate attempt to stop the outbreak, She-Hulk and her allies crank up the sonic frequencies to destroy the zombiote virus at the ‘Bar With No Name,’ where she was last seen getting infected.
While they manage to save her body, the idea of Hulk and Venom merging remains a tantalizing ‘what if’ scenario that could potentially be the most formidable combination in the Marvel Universe.
We now have a brief, haunting glimpse of She-Hulk in her Venom form—green and black, nearly undead.
This image alone changes what we thought was possible and leaves a lasting impression until Marvel decides, if ever, to make this transformation permanent.
You can find ‘Venom War: Zombiotes #3‘ at your local comic store, released by Marvel Comics.