Hollywood star Johnny Depp rose to fame in the late ’80s and since then he has starred in numerous blockbusters — one of his most famous ones is surely the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Currently, the actor is again in the spotlight thanks to the Depp v Heard trial which started on April 11, 2022.
Today, we’re taking a closer look at just how Johnny Depp’s most famous Pirates of the Caribbean co-stars feel about the star. From who wishes the actor would return to the franchise to who didn’t mind kissing him — keep on scrolling to find out!
6Penélope Cruz Says Johnny Depp Is Nothing But Kind
Actress Penélope Cruz stars alongside Johnny Depp in the 2011 movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and it seems as if the actress enjoyed spending time with Depp. “I’ve seen Johnny in so many situations and he is always kind to everyone around. He is one of the most generous people I know,” Cruz said. “During six months of my first pregnancy, I spent every single day with him while we shot Pirates of the Caribbean. My husband and I will never forget the sweetness, protection and kindness he treated me with during every single step of that process.”
5Ian McShane Bonded With Johnny Depp Over Music
Actor Ian McShane also stars alongside Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. The actor revealed that he and Depp bonded over their similar taste in music. “Johnny’s got quite quirky, eclectic musical tastes and so do I. I’m a huge fan of [Frank] Zappa and Beefheart. Johnny’s very versed in that time. We were talking about a very brilliant but erratic American actor called Timothy Carey. He was in Stanley Kubrick’s The Killing but he was clearly off his trolley. And he made this film, The World’s Greatest Sinner. I’d never seen it. Johnny said, ‘I’ve got to get you this movie.” McShane revealed.
“Anyway, that’s beside the point. Johnny’s a great guy and now he sends me CDs of music and old blues stuff and I send him some stuff. He’s a good man, Mr. Depp, very fine. It was a great shoot. Johnny is very easy company and so is Penelope [Cruz] and Geoffrey [Rush]. It was just too long. Those movies, they just go on too long. You know, six months. You want them to finish after four.”
4Geoffrey Rush Admires Johnny Depp As An Actor
Actor Geoffrey Rush starred in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise from 2003 until 2017, which means that he got to spend quite a bit of time with Johnny Depp. “Well, Johnny always comes in with a great sense of play. We’ll be about to start a scene and he’ll say, ‘I think they have the right idea, but let’s kick this around a bit — I think the audience may want us to be a little more smart-ass, or snipe at each other more’ and we’ll play with it, and he’ll ad-lib something and it’ll be marvelous. I’m in awe of him as an actor,” Rush revealed. “Really, I think he’s one of the screen greats, because he is such a chameleon. And I think he invented something with this character, this kind of hipster, existential pirate, which is actually quite unique. If it were all dash and derring-do, I think people would have been turned off, but he found this balance between being heroic and quite ridiculously stupid. He is very much the guy who spins the compass and says, ‘All right, let’s go wherever this takes us.'”
3Keira Knightley Didn’t Mind Kissing Johnny Depp
Kiera Knightley, who portrayed Elizabeth Swann in the franchise, revealed that kissing Johnny Depp was a great experience. “I couldn’t ask for a better kissing scene with Johnny Depp actually, I think my 14-year-old self was yelping with pleasure,” Knightley admitted.
“It was fantastic! What more can a girl ask for? I’ve got Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom and I get to kiss both of them. It’s wonderful!”
2Orlando Bloom Says Johnny Depp Does Everything The Right Way
Actor Orlando Bloom has also starred alongside Johnny Depp in the famous franchise. Bloom revealed that he wishes Johnny Depp didn’t have to go through everything in the eye of the public. “Listen, the man that I know and love is the man who’s here tonight, and he’s, like, on form, and does everything the right way,” Bloom said. “You know, people go through all kinds of weird stuff in the world, and it’s just a shame that it has to be dragged out into public. Because God knows he’s been one of the most private and standup people I’ve ever met.”
1Kevin McNally Would Like Johnny Depp To Come Back To The Franchise
Kevin McNally revealed that he would love for Johnny Depp to come back to the famous franchise. “I see a great humanitarian and a beautiful human being. I don’t see any impediment for him coming back and playing Jack Sparrow. I think there was a general feeling that without Jack there is no Pirates franchise. And there’s probably a lot of truth in that,” McNally said. “But now there have been questions about that, certainly why not have other Pirate films and certainly then why not have Jack back or Jack playing a different part.”