Celebrimbor,-Frodo-&-Sam-from-LOTR-franchiseCelebrimbor’s meaningful monologue in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 accurately predicts Sauron’s downfall, perfectly summarizing why Sam and Frodo were Middle-earth’s heroes. Season 2, episode 7 sees a horrible time for the Lord of Eregion, as he realizes that Sauron has been keeping him in a prison of his own making for weeks. With Adar and the Orcs laying siege to the city, it’s only a matter of time before Celebrimbor’s own life is forfeited. However, despite all of this, this elf maintains a sliver of hope.

Up to Rings of Power season 2, episode 7, Sauron had Celebrimbor fooled. He pretended to be Annatar, an emissary sent by the will of the Valar to help Celebrimbor out-create the elf Fëanor himself. However, the Siege of Eregion caused the Dark Lord to let down his guard ever so slightly, and Celebrimbor realized that his world was an illusion. He admits that a part of him had known all along but that he had so wanted what Sauron promised that he closed his mind to the truth and embraced the darkness. However, before returning to the forge to allow Galadriel to escape, Celebrimbor shared some inspiring words of wisdom.

Celebrimbor Predicted Just What Middle-Earth Needed To Defeat Sauron (& He Was Right)

The “Light” He Speaks Of Will Come From An Unexpected Place

Galadriel trying to comfort Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards) in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 7Image via Prime Video

Together, Celebrimbor and Galadriel both admitted that they had willfully allowed themselves to be fooled by Sauron since they had both wanted what he promised. The lure of his darkness was simply too much for them. Still, even after falling pretty to this evil, Celebrimbor recognized the only thing that could take Sauron down. He noted that armies and physical strength—and even strength of mind—wouldn’t be enough. Instead, the beings of Middle-earth must remember that pure light is the natural enemy of darkness:

“The Elves need only remember that it is not strength that overcomes darkness, but light. Armies may rise, hears may fault, yet still, light endures and is mightier than strength. For in its presence, all darkness must flee.”

Though Celebrimbor knew nothing of Hobbits, let alone those called Frodo and Sam, who would be born thousands of years later, his speech here accurately predicts the events of The Lord of the Rings. Between Rings of Power season 2, episode 7, and the destruction of the One Ring, dozens more will be fooled by Sauron. Armies will rise against him, and some victories will even be won. However, the Dark Lord himself won’t be defeated until the love and light of Frodo and Sam’s friendship and hope forces Sauron’s darkness to flee.

Celebrimbor’s Prophecy Makes His Upcoming Death Even More Tragic

Celebrimbor Will Pay for His Mistakes

Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards) crying upon seeing Eregion devastated in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 7Image via Prime Video

Celebrimbor is an excellent representation of many of the greatest themes of The Lord of the Rings. He is by no means a bad character, but he is still instrumental in some of the most horrible happenings in Middle-earth during the Second Age and beyond. Celebrimbor’s pride and desire made him easily manipulated by Sauron, and his greatest fault was ignoring the voice in his head that told him that Annatar wasn’t what he seemed—all because he himself wanted to be great. The great creator of the Rings of Power knew right from wrong; he simply chose darkness over light.

The words of inspiration Celebrimbor offered Galadriel before sacrificing himself to Sauron in Rings of Power season 2, episode 7, served as his redemption.

Still, the words of inspiration Celebrimbor offered Galadriel before sacrificing himself to Sauron in Rings of Power season 2, episode 7, served as his redemption. Here, he identifies just what Middle-earth needs while admitting he is not the hero of light he desperately wanted to be. Celebrimbor will pay the price for his mistakes, and his upcoming death in Rings of Power will be terrible and tragic. Still, this talented smith will die knowing that nothing can ever extinguish the light—Middle-earth’s salvation is on the way.