Here are 5 other great open-world games that will keep the gaming community at bay as they wait for GTA 6.
GTA 6 is arguably the most highly-anticipated game of next year and the gaming community has waited long enough. The previous game was released in 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 generation which should give the game developers of Rockstar Games more than enough time to perfect this sequel.
The success of Rockstar Games with the open-world structure has encouraged other game developers to do something similar to provide players with a safe digital sandbox to explore wherever they please. Until then, here are 5 other great open-world games that will stave off the quench of experiencing the flashiest Triple-A video game of the following year.
5. Cyberpunk 2077
The gaming community had high hopes for Cyberpunk but was cyber-punked at launch. Image Credit: CD Projekt Red
CD Projekt Red was entering a dark place as soon as Cyberpunk 2077 launched on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One four years ago. The game was poorly optimized and the gaming community did not find the satisfying experience they once had with The Witcher, a great example of what the developers are capable of.
Unfortunately, the launch was tarnished by a buggy game but was later patched, and that wasn’t the only problem. Players were confused about what the developers were trying to present and were duped by previous promotional and marketing materials.
The first-person perspective will make players feel familiar since it is an available camera angle in GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2. Fortunately, the game was salvageable and seemingly lived up to expectations. The modding community did its part by implementing a photorealism mod that blurred the lines between reality and fiction. Players on the PC platform can now experience what CD Projekt Red initially had in mind for Cyberpunk 2077, and it was a great open-world experience paired with realistic visuals at a high fidelity.
4. Days Gone
Fans of the undead can enjoy this post-apocalyptic open-world game as they do a series of missions for various settlements. Image Credit: Bend Studio
Both Days Gone and Cyberpunk 2077 were victims of a terrible launch that permanently damaged how the gaming community viewed these games with great potential. Originally launched on the PlayStation 4 where it ran terribly without patches, fans could not get into it without running into performance issues and stuttering. The game was later ported to PC and was given an update to run smoothly on the PlayStation 5 which offered the best way to experience this game.
Unfortunately, a sequel is not an option for Sony Interactive Entertainment, and Bend Studio is actively working on an ambitious online multiplayer project. Fans of the game hope the developers will carry over the best aspects that worked like the impressive horde system. Players take control of Deacon St. John as he rides the open road fighting Freaks and marauders in Seattle, Oregon while doing missions and side objectives akin to older Grand Theft Auto games.
3. Ghost of Tsushima
The beautiful island of Tsushima is your massive playground. Image Credit: Sucker Punch Productions
Ghost of Tsushima is the ultimate fantasy for fans of the Feudal Japan era as they take control of Jin Sakai. Facing the invasion of Mongol forces headed by Khotun Khan, Jin must sacrifice everything, including his honor, to even the odds and tilt the war effort to his favor. Players can explore the island of Tsushima to liberate areas from enemy occupation and get easily distracted from completing main missions by random side quests or points of interest by foxes and golden birds.
The game developers of Sucker Punch Productions pushed the technical limitations of the PlayStation 4 to the absolute limit. The gaming community was immediately enamored by the beauty of the landscape and was satisfied by the fluid combat mechanics. Fans can freely wander around the first section of the map after the introduction and accomplish various activities to gain experience points, materials, and other rare items to build Jin Sakai as the ultimate warrior fighting for his home.
2. GTA 5
The GTA franchise peaked with the last major installment and has set the standard for open-world games. Image Credit: Rockstar Games
It is hard to believe GTA 5 will be 11 years old later this month and it held up well against the test of time. The game shattered record at launch making it the fastest-selling video game of all time and the gaming community expects GTA 6 to overthrow it with pre-order sales alone. Rockstar Games have outdone themselves with this installment by introducing the feature where players can seamlessly switch between the three protagonists, a detailed world, and diverse landscapes.
Players grew up playing this game in the past decade and fans were fed with false promises over a story expansion that never came to pass. The single-player story mode was serviceable; however, some fans would argue that it was too short given how vast the state of San Andreas was and believed the developers could have done more. The rising success of the Online counterpart may have been a factor and it was a great opportunity to do all of the activities available in the single-player story mode with friends or strangers online.
1. Red Dead Redemption 2
The gaming community has been transported back to 1899 when Outlaws and gunslingers were rampant. Image Credit: Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games have always aimed to improve after each project, and Red Dead Redemption 2 was a worthy successor to the original game and it also served as a major step up from the systems and mechanics introduced in GTA 5. It is arguably the biggest and best game the studio released until the release of GTA 6 and it is one of the most beautiful and detailed games ever.
It would make sense for the last game the developers released before the next Grand Theft Auto game to be on top of the list. However, despite the visual eye candy and beautiful landscapes, it was far from perfect. Some fans would love to have more story missions beyond the epilogue and the ability to host a private online session to avoid interacting with toxic players that are plaguing the Online mode.
The game’s massive scope and scale forced the developers to cut corners and leave some content on the cutting room floor. Leaked gameplay footage has surfaced about the island of Guarma which is briefly featured in Chapter 5 leading fans to believe this small area of the game is where Rockstar Games used as a testing field for the updated graphical fidelity, lighting, sound effects, physics, and many more.
Would you play any of these great open-world games in 2024 as you wait for GTA 6 to be released sometime around the fall of next year? Let us know in the comments section below!