First released back in November 2021, Arcane revolves around two sisters, Vi (voiced by Hailee Steinfeld) and Powder/Jinx (Ella Purnell). Growing up as thieves in the corrupted underground city of Zaun, their relationship is shattered after a heist gone horribly wrong. This traumatic event forever changes their home as new crime lords seize control, but also Piltover, the shiny utopia above them, which is on the brink of making major technological and magical advancements. As civil unrest between Zaun and Piltover escalates, Vi and Jinx find themselves at the heart of the conflict, yet on rival sides, with one seeking peace and the other anarchy.
After three years, the series is finally returning to our screens for its highly anticipated and explosive conclusion. So, if you’re ready to jump back into the chaotic world of Arcane, keep reading below to find out where and when you can watch Season 2!
When Is ‘Arcane’ Season 2 Coming Out?
Image via NetflixArcane Season 2 is currently scheduled to premiere on Saturday, November 9, 2024. However, bingeing will not be possible all at once. Like the previous season, Netflix has opted to split up the episodes into three distinct “acts.” This staggered release model means that it will take three weeks for the entire season to be out. You can read more in depth about the episode release schedule below.
Is ‘Arcane’ Season 2 Streaming Online?
Yes! Arcane Season 2 will be available to stream exclusively on Netflix. The first “act” of Season 2 will debut on November 9, 2024, with the remaining acts coming later this month. Again, more on this very soon! However, if you want to rewatch or catch up on Season 1, you can do so right now with the whole season available.Can You Stream ‘Arcane’ Season 2 Without Netflix?
Image via NetflixUnfortunately, given its exclusivity, Netflix is the only streaming service where you can watch Arcane. If you do not currently have a Netflix subscription, those interested can check out a breakdown of the different subscription models and costs below.
Subscription Costs
Standard With Ads
1080p Resolution
Ability to stream on two devices at once
Ad breaks
$6.99 per month
Standard (Ad-Free)
Access to Netflix’s full catalog
Ability to stream on two devices at once
Full HD 1080p streaming
Ability to download up to thirty select titles
No Ads
$15.49 per month
Access to Netflix’s full catalog
Ability to stream on two devices at once
4k + HDR streaming
Ability to download up to thirty select titles
No Ads
$22.99 per month
What Is the Episode Schedule for ‘Arcane’ Season 2?
Image via NetflixAs mentioned above, like its predecessor, Arcane Season 2 will be split up into three “acts”. Each act will be released a week apart, for three weeks, until all nine episodes are out. Below is the complete episode schedule for when you can stream the entire season.
The official trailer for Arcane Season 2 was released by Netflix via their YouTube channel on September 5, 2024. In it, we see Vi finally admit to Caitlyn (Katie Leung) that she has lost her sister to madness. With Powder gone, only Jinx remains, and she is hellbent on watching Piltover burn to the ground by leading a chaotic rebellion. What follows is an intense series of action-packed moments as we see Vi and Caitlyn rally together their allies to defend Piltover from Jinx’s relentless attacks.
The trailer also offers our first looks at other returning characters, such as Ekko, Heimerdinger, Ambessa Medarda, and Sevika, all of whom will play significant roles in this major conflict. What remains a mystery, though, is the fate of the Piltover council members. We last saw them debating Zaun’s independence in the closing moments of Season 1’s finale, just before Jinx fired a missile at their building. They are curiously absent here, so only time will tell who survived the blast and whether they can restore order to both cities.
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