Brace yourselves, as there is yet another awful resurfaced Blake Lively interview going viral, and it might just be the worst one yet. We’ve already had one of her getting dragged for being “tone deaf” and “ignorant”, with one interviewer admitting she almost quit after her experience with Blake.
In this unearthed interview, Blake Lively appears to get increasingly snippy and irritated with the reporter during press for All I See Is You.
Whilst the start of the interview seems fairly normal, the tension starts to build when the interviewer asks her what types of roles she hopes to try in “the next five years.” He asked her: “Do you feel free to try everything?”
Blake looked appalled at the question and rolled her eyes at him, before asking: “What does that mean?” The poor interviewer obviously started to feel flustered and explained that he meant whether she’d be willing to step out of her comfort zone by trying a different type of role than the one she normally does.
Via YouTube
He joked: “I mean, apparently, you’re not gonna sing if you [don’t] think you could sing.” Blake quickly snapped back that she “does sing” in the film, before mockingly asking him whether he even “saw the movie” before interviewing her. He awkwardly replied that yes, he “did see the movie.” At that point I think I’d pass away from sheer embarrassment, to be honest.
She then smirked at someone off screen before telling the interviewer: “We’re gonna give you a pop quiz at the end [of this interview].” He nervously replied: “There can be a pop quiz of every minute of it.” Poor guy!