However, not all members of the Bridgerton family will return for season 4. In fact, it was unknown whether Viscountess Kate Bridgerton would come back until a cast update confirmed Simone Ashley’s return for Bridgerton season 4. Unfortunately, not all Bridgerton actors were lucky. Phoebe Dynevor, who portrays Daphne Bridgerton, has confirmed that she will not be reprising her role for the second season in a row. This update is not surprising, but it is still disappointing. More importantly, Dynevor’s confirmation reveals a harsh truth about Bridgerton – the show has a problem putting its titular family first.
Daphne’s Future In Bridgerton Is Unclear (& That’s A Problem)
Daphne Is The Eldest Daughter In The Bridgerton Family

Recently, Phoebe Dynevor spoke with Screen Rant‘s Grant Hermanns about her career and her time in Bridgerton. When asked about a potential return, Dynevor confirmed she would come back if production wanted her, but she has not “gotten the call yet.” Dynevor also slyly suggested she is interested in returning to Bridgerton as Daphne, claiming she is “available” during Bridgerton‘s current production of season 4. This is the first indication that Dynevor left Bridgerton because production felt she was no longer needed and not of her own accord.
Phoebe Dynevor’s career spiked during COVID-19, so she did not have a real chance at being part of the Bridgerton cast and crew in a post-pandemic society. Dynevor’s eagerness to return also suggests that Bridgerton‘s production team no longer needed the eldest daughter of the Bridgerton family – an odd idea because Daphne was supposed to play a significant role in Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington’s romance. Furthermore, all Bridgerton sisters have critical parts in Sophie Baek’s story. Bridgerton‘s reluctance to ask Dynevor to return only confirms what the show continues to portray: Bridgerton no longer prioritizes the central family.
Bridgerton Has Prioritized Other Characters Over The Titular Family
Original Characters Have Become More Central Than The Bridgertons Themselves

While Bridgerton has established its own dynamics between the siblings, each season features less time with the Bridgerton siblings, focusing on characters who do not exist in the Bridgerton books. Queen Charlotte has become such a favorite that she has her own spinoff, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. Other characters who had significant storylines in the show include the Featheringtons, Theo Sharpe, Cressida Cowper, and the Mondriches. Of course, the Featheringtons are among the most prominent families in the Bridgerton books. However, aside from Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, the Featheringtons only appear during brief scenes to provide comedic relief.
Other examples of Bridgerton prioritizing original characters include Eloise’s unnecessary brief romance with Theo, an in-depth look at Cressida’s dysfunctional family, and the introduction of Lady Danbury’s brother.
Other examples of Bridgerton prioritizing original characters include Eloise’s unnecessary brief romance with Theo, an in-depth look at Cressida’s dysfunctional family, and the introduction of Lady Danbury’s brother. He is a strange addition, given that Violet is uninterested in pursuing another romance in the books; she is happy with her life as it is. While Bridgerton goes the extra mile for these secondary characters, Daphne misses Colin’s and Francesca’s weddings in Bridgerton, an action completely out of character for Daphne.
Bridgerton Must Focus More On The Family Dynamics
The Bridgerton Siblings Are The Most Important Characters

Bridgerton Books
Bridgerton Sibling
Love Interest
Book Title
Publication Date
Corresponding Season
Anthony Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
The Viscount Who Loved Me
December 1, 2000
Bridgerton season 2
Benedict Bridgerton
Sophie Baek
An Offer from a Gentleman
July 3, 2001
Bridgerton season 4
Colin Bridgerton
Penelope Featherington
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
July 2, 2002
Bridgerton season 3
Daphne Bridgerton
Simon Basset
The Duke & I
January 5, 2000
Bridgerton season 1
Eloise Bridgerton
Phillip Crane
To Sir Phillip, With Love
June 24, 2003
Bridgerton season 5 or 6
Francesca Bridgerton
Michaela Stirling
When He Was Wicked
June 29, 2004
Bridgerton season 5 or 6
Gregory Bridgerton
Lucy Abernathy
On the Way to the Wedding
June 27, 2006
Bridgerton season 7 or 8
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Gareth St. Clair
It’s in His Kiss
June 28, 2005
Bridgerton season 7 or 8
However, in the show, none of Colin’s siblings respond to his letters while he travels, something completely out of character. The show also does not portray how close Violet and Hyacinth are and the special bond they share. Granted, Bridgerton has not reached Hyacinth’s season yet, but the show has not even given an inkling of this dynamic. Bridgerton is at its best when it includes family dynamics, illustrated when they play pall mall or during heart-to-hearts. However, productions keeps writing off Bridgertons who have had their love stories.
That is a troubling factor given that Anthony plays a critical role in Hyacinth’s story, while Kate and Colin have significant parts in Gregory’s. Bridgerton must change the course of how they treat the primary family before it is too late. The Bridgerton siblings do not need to appear in every episode, but they should, at the very least, be present during significant family milestones and heartwarming moments.
How Bridgerton Can Prioritize The Family Without Eliminating Original Characters
The Original Characters Should Enhance The Bridgerton Family Dynamics

Bridgerton siblings who have not had their seasons yet should have storylines that will help their romances when the time comes, while the siblings who have had their stories should support the current love story. Bridgerton can still fix this issue—even allowing Phoebe Dynevor to return for one or two seasons each season would be a great step in the right direction. It is not about how much screen time a character has but how the show utilizes it. Therefore, if Bridgerton fixes this issue by prioritizing the titular family, the show will vastly improve.