In case you missed it, CD Projekt RED just released a massive update for Cyberpunk 2077 that introduces a whole lot of stuff the community has been asking for since the game first launched.
One specific new addition has got fans the most excited though, because it gives us something we always wanted but never knew we needed… Johnny Silverhand riding shotgun.
The main focus of Cyberpunk 2077’s update 2.2 seems to be customisation.
The devs added brand new vehicle customisation options in the form of interior and lighting modifications, the “Twintone” ability that lets you scan and store the look of other cars and a wealth of new player customisation settings in the character creator.
The game has come a long way.
They even added a new photo mode setting that lets you summon random NPCs for a picture, which you can now take from a drone.
And yet, even with all of this cool new stuff, the bit that’s got people hyped the most is the extra Johnny content.
Following Act One’s completion, Johnny now has a one-in-four chance of just randomly popping up next to you while you’re driving.
According to the devs, he’ll appear just to spout some lore and have a bit of a fun chinwag. He’ll also make fun of you if you’re a rubbish driver.
Apparently his lines will all be completely new as well, which implies that they either brought Keanu Reeves back just for this patch or that CD Projekt RED has added stuff that was left on the cutting room floor.
If you’re curious about the rest of the new stuff, I highly suggest reading GAMINGBible’s own Angharad Redden’s write-up of everything CD Projekt RED added in update 2.2.
I’m curious to see if Johnny will compliment my driving if I drive safely too… considering he never wears a seatbelt.