Emily in Paris is just right around the corner. Fans are excited to witness the glamorous yet fun life of Emily Cooper, an American who finds herself juggling work and personal life in the beautiful streets of Paris. The second season will arrive on Netflix on December 22.

The show has many quotable lines that truly encapsulate what it means to live one’s life in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Every character stands out and shines, no matter how minor their roles are. Here are our best picks for the most quotable lines in the show:

“You Live To Work. We Work To Live.”

Luc Emily in Paris

Emily’s first few days at her new workplace were difficult. She felt alienated and left out. Her co-workers did not even invite her to lunch and called her something nasty in French. It was tough being the new girl in a country where you don’t know the culture and lifestyle.

Luc, one of her co-workers, approached her when he saw that she’s dining alone. He admitted that her ideas intimidated them and that Emily’s approach to work life is too American. Luc tells her that their philosophy in life is to “work to live” and not the other way around.

“Paris Seems Like A Big City But It’s Really Just A Small Town.”

Camille Emily in Paris

Camille became Emily’s instant best friend when the French girl came to her rescue while buying flowers. She was really accommodating to her enough for Emily to release her frustrations about living in the city of Paris. She talked about how huge the streets of Paris are and its confusing transportation.

The French native assured her that Paris looks like a big world, but in truth, it’s just a small town. It’s just a matter of familiarity and perspective.

“Without Basic B***hes Like Me, You Wouldn’t Be Fashionable.”

Pierre Cadault

It’s a dream come true for Emily to meet and work with one of Paris’s most respected fashion designers. Unfortunately, not every famous person is nice. When Pierre Cadault saw her Eiffel Tower keychain, he called her a “basic b**ch”.

Anyone would probably have a souvenir or two from Paris if it’s their first time living in the country. It’s not Emily’s fault, though. She just loves to appreciate one of France’s most famous attractions.

“The French Are Romantics But They’re Also Realists.”

Emily Cooper

Paris is known as the romantic city of love and most television shows portray it as such. Emily in Paris tries to exhibit the French lifestyle in the most aesthetic way. This line, however, also speaks the truth.

The romance against the beautiful backdrop of Paris is only a part of it. It’s the fictionalized version of what most people expect to see when they visit the country. French people also know how to balance it out.

“Like Wearing Poetry.”

Emily Cooper Emily in Paris

This beautiful response encapsulates the true essence of Parisian life. Darren Star’s series are always recognized for their glamour and sophistication. This is why fashion takes the center stage in Emily in Paris.

Emily’s language in this one paints a whole new persona for her character, proving she has a way with words that can transport the audience into the whimsical world of Paris.