House of the Dragon can still save the franchise and make a satisfying ending with the death of the infamous Larys Strong.
It’s easy to feel disappointed especially after witnessing the underwhelming performance of House of the Dragon Season 2. Some fans might be thinking of giving up on the show, but don’t decide just yet – there is one significant death that might save the franchise!
Credits: Matthew Needham in House of the Dragon / HBO
Whichever side you might be supporting, it’s safe to say that we all hate the true villains of the show, and they come in the form of treacherous liars who take pleasure in chaos – a perfect description of Larys Strong, aka Clubfoot. He’s basically the Littlefinger of the prequel series, and there is nothing more satisfying than to see him pay for his crimes.
When Will Larys Strong Meet His Death in House of the Dragon?
The finale episode of House of the Dragon Season 2 saw Matthew Needham’s Larys Strong smuggling King Aegon II out of King’s Landing. He appeared to be one of the Green loyalists, but people like him don’t really have a true allegiance except for themselves.
He followed the Small Council when they declared for King Aegon II, helping ignite the fires of the civil war. But, even before this, we should not forget that he also orchestrated the deaths of his own father and brother. The master of whisperers thrives in manipulating people’s minds and hearts to gain power and rise in the ranks without directly making enemies.
Credits: Matthew Needham in House of the Dragon / HBO
As with every character in George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, everyone will die – but the exciting part is knowing how, why, and when. Clubfoot’s death is one of the most highly anticipated and utterly gratifying scenes in the story, and the creative team would have to do it right if they want to redeem the show.
In the novel, his demise comes when the civil war is almost through. Queen Rhaenyra and King Aegon II would be gone, and it is Aegon the Younger who sits in the Iron Throne. The end of the Dance of the Dragons will most likely take place in Season 4 so viewers can expect him to meet his creator by this time.
In the book, Lord Cregan Stark arrives in King’s Landing and becomes hand to the new king. He would help in cleaning up the mess of the war, including serving justice for the death of Aegon II. Larys was one of the conspirators who is suspected to have poisoned the late king. After he was arrested and found guilty of treason, he was executed by Stark, finally ending the lineage of House Strong.
Larys Strong’s Demise Could Be a Major Event in House of the Dragon
Credits: Matthew Needham in House of the Dragon / HBO
Larys’ death has the potential to become one of the biggest moments in Season 4. As the war continues to intensify, the writers can come up with ways how to make the master schemer even more despicable so that when his time comes, it’s going to be a major crowd-cheering moment.
Needham’s portrayal of the ruthless lord has been spectacular, and he was able to bring to life the character’s most disturbing traits on the screen. Indeed, Larys makes up for his lack of physical power with his cunning abilities and string of words.
House of the Dragon is currently available to watch on HBO.