One of those casualties could be Arondir, according to a fleeting clue from The Rings of Power season 2, episode 6. Played by Ismael Cruz Córdova, Arondir is a Silvan elf created entirely for Amazon’s TV show. After playing a significant role in The Rings of Power season 1’s ending, the heartbroken hero has found his status somewhat diminished in season 2 thus far. The good news is that Arondir appears set for a meatier part in The Rings of Power season 2’s finale. The bad news is that his death may come about as a direct result of that bigger story.
The Rings Of Power Season 2 Sets Up Arondir’s Potential Death
Are Arondir’s Brooding Days Nearly Done?

The problem for Arondir is that the Siege of Eregion, as it occurs in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings timeline, does not leave many survivors. The battle concludes with Eregion permanently destroyed and Sauron’s forces victorious, which naturally means that many of the Elves fighting to defend the kingdom end up overwhelmed by their orcish foes, including Celebrimbor himself. Arondir’s springy combat style will no doubt prove a huge boost to Eregion’s defenses, but with the result already set in stone, his chances of survival are not high.
Arondir’s Death Would Push Theo Further Toward Becoming A Nazgûl
Arondir Dying Would Bring A Major Rings Of Power Theory Closer To Reality

Another convincing argument that Arondir will die can be found within his wider The Rings of Power arc alongside Bronwyn and Theo. In The Rings of Power season 1, Arondir’s story revolved almost entirely around his romance with Bronwyn, but since actor Nazanin Boniadi does not return for The Rings of Power season 2, Arondir has felt a little directionless. Aside from some sweet moments with Isildur and Theo, as well as a quick brush with the Ents, Arondir’s impact upon The Rings of Power season 2 has, sadly, been limited, and that puts him at even greater risk of dying during the Siege of Eregion.
Arondir would surely recognize that the Nine Rings are plagued with Sauron’s influence, and he would strongly advise Theo against wearing one.
More importantly, Arondir dying would stoke the fires of a long-gestating story. Since first appearing in The Rings of Power, theories have suggested that Theo could become a Nazgûl, and that idea now looks more probable after, earlier in season 2, Arondir confirmed the youngster as the “Lord of Pelargir” following the death of Bronwyn. Losing both his mother and his surrogate father might give Theo the push he needs to accept the promise of power from Annatar. Beset by grief, brimming with the foolishness of youth, and desperate to protect the Southlands’ survivors, Sauron would view Theo as an obvious candidate for one of the Nine.
If Arondir does not die in The Rings of Power season 2, that story becomes much harder. The elf would surely recognize, or maybe even hear via Galadriel, that the Nine Rings are plagued with Sauron’s influence, and he would strongly advise Theo against wearing one. Having developed a newfound respect for each other in The Rings of Power season 2, Theo would probably heed that warning.
Why Arondir’s Future In The Rings Of Power May Be Brighter Than It Seems
Arondir May Have A Hand In Setting Up The Lord Of The Rings

If Arondir manages to squeeze through the Siege of Eregion without any fatal wounds, he may be tempted to join Elrond’s exposition and play his part in the foundation of Rivendell, carving out a legacy that will last until The Lord of the Rings. Not only would this give Arondir a sharper focus in future seasons of The Rings of Power, he would be taken far away from Theo. Arondir would be unable to protect the youngster from Sauron’s advances, and Theo could still become the Ringwraith he is seemingly destined to be.