The show promises an intriguing premise and boasts a stellar cast. Kathryn Hahn stars as Agatha Harkness, Joe Locke plays Billy Kaplan, and Sasheer Zamata appears as Jennifer Kale. Ali Ahn will portray Alice Wu-Gulliver, while Maria Dizzia, Paul Adelstein, Miles Gutierrez-Riley, and Okwui Okpokwasili are cast in yet-to-be-confirmed roles. Additionally, Debra Jo Rupp will play Sharon Davis, Patti LuPone will be Lilia Calderu, and Aubrey Plaza will take on the role of Rio Vidal/Green Witch.
In the comics, Wiccan has always been gay, though it was not a central aspect of his character. Locke addressed this in a recent interview with SFX Magazine, noting that overemphasizing a character’s queerness can shift the focus away from the character’s overall story and personality. This can be detrimental both to the character and to the broader community.
“Having queer characters in Marvel projects as just a normal character, it doesn’t define them. I think a lot of queer characters in media today, that becomes their personality, almost. That’s a great thing, having queer characters, but it’s almost quite a damaging trope to push.”
Joe Locke on queer representation:
“Having queer characters in Marvel projects as just a normal character, it doesn’t define them. I think a lot of queer characters in media today, that becomes their personality, almost. That’s a great thing, having queer characters, but it’s…
— Scarlet Witch Updates (@ScarletWitchUpd) September 4, 2024
Locke’s observation is accurate; he is neither the first nor the last gay character in the MCU. Often, sexuality is merely referenced rather than being a central element of the story. However, with Aubrey Plaza and Kathryn Hahn hinting at a potentially “charged relationship” between Rio Vidal and Agatha Harkness, Agatha All Along could offer more substantial representation. What are your thoughts? Share them in the comments below!