The first two episodes of Agatha All Along recently premiered, delving into the often-overlooked magical side of the MCU, despite its roster of powerful magic users. One newly introduced character, however, appears to be more significant than initially thought.

Although the Teen’s identity hasn’t been officially revealed, subtitles and prior comments from the cast and crew hint that he is actually Billy Kaplan.

If the latest theory turns out to be true, it will align closely with the origins of the teen comic book. The X user @Comicodigy recently shared a compelling theory suggesting that the Teen made a deal with Mephisto to be resurrected, which is why no one can hear his true identity in the show.

In the comics, just like in the MCU, Billy Maximoff and his twin brother Tommy were creations of Wanda’s subconscious—they weren’t real. During her marriage to Vision, Wanda used her reality-altering powers to create the twins, William and Thomas, from two lost souls. However, the demon Mephisto later reclaimed these souls, but Wanda’s magic had transformed them so much that they destroyed Mephisto and dispersed.

William’s soul was eventually reborn as Billy Kaplan, the eldest son of Jeff and Rebecca Kaplan, a Jewish family living in New York City.

In the MCU, while Mephisto’s souls aren’t directly involved, Billy’s connection to Mephisto could be tied to a “deal.”

This theory is supported by clues, such as Teen appearing to be under a spell or curse, and the sigil on his mouth, which could be interpreted as either a “W” for Wanda or an “M” for Mephisto.

Mephisto was rumored to appear in the show, and there are theories that his son, Blackheart, has already been introduced.

A deal with Mephisto could explain why Teen knows so much about magic and why he’s eager to follow Agatha onto the Witches’ Road. He may be seeking a way to resurrect his twin brother or mother. In typical demonic fashion, Mephisto might have refused to directly revive them, instead giving Teen the means to do it himself, technically fulfilling the deal.

A more likely theory suggests that Mephisto has already resurrected his family, and now Teen must retrieve something from the Witches’ Road for the demon, who can’t access it himself.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!