Annatar and the Rings for MenCelebrimbor completed the Nine Rings for Men in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2, setting up their distribution to those doomed to succumb to Sauron’s influence. These powerful bits of jewelry are the last of the titular Rings of Power to be made, aside from Sauron’s One Ring destined to rule over them all. With their creation out of the way, Prime Video’s series can begin to dive into their impact on Middle-earth, including their wearers’ slow torment and eventual development into the horrible Ringwraiths of The Lord of the Rings.

In Rings of Power‘s version of Middle-earth’s timeline, Celebrimbor made the Three Elven Rings first (in season 1), and they were distributed to their wearers early in season 2. Next, after being deceived by Sauron, Celebrimbor made the Seven Dwarven Rings, which were given as gifts to Durin’s folk in Khazad-dûm, who spread them to the other Dwarf tribes. Finally came the Nine Rings for Men, each taking a significant toll on Celebrimbor. By their completion, Eregion and its lord had all but fallen—but this was all by Sauron’s design in Rings of Power.

How & Why The Nine Rings For Men Are Made In LOTR & The Rings Of Power

Sauron Has A Specific Plan For Celebrimbor’s Creations

Celebrimbor making the Nine Rings for Men
Sketches of Celebrimbor for forging the rings for men in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 6
One of the Nine Rings for Men Celebrimbor with mithril in Rings of Power Celebrimbor dropping rings into a fire in the Rings of Power season 2 trailer.Celebrimbor making the Nine Rings for Men Sketches of Celebrimbor for forging the rings for men in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 6 One of the Nine Rings for Men Celebrimbor with mithril in Rings of Power Celebrimbor dropping rings into a fire in the Rings of Power season 2 trailer.

In Lord of the Rings canon, the 19 Rings of Power made in Eregion were all intended for Elves, but Sauron took possession of 16 of them and gifted seven to the Dwarves and nine to Men. However, Rings of Power approached this story a little differently. In this version of the tale, the Seven and Nine were made with the specific intention of being gifted to these different races of Middle-earth. Sauron, as Annatar, convinced Celebrimbor that Men, who had offered up stars among their race like Beren, Tuor, and the half-elven Eärendil, deserved these great Rings as well.

Of course, what Celebrimbor didn’t know was that Sauron intended to use the Nine to control great kings of Men, including the Númenóreans. He later said in Rings of Power season 2 that this was for their own good—so that a great and lasting peace would be achievable in Middle-earth. However, Sauron’s true goal is always domination and control. Sauron ultimately tricked Celebrimbor into making the Nine with his own blood, using an illusion to make the black substance appear to be ground mithril. Going forward, this is sure to have a dark impact on those who wear the Rings of Power.

What Powers The Nine Rings Give The Men Who Wear Them

Rings Of Power Will See An Explosion In The Powers Of Men


Tolkien didn’t provide much detail about what kinds of abilities and powers the Nine granted their wearers. It’s known for certain that the nine wearers had the ability to become invisible and that their lives were extended, thus seemingly granting immortality. It is also implied that, like the Seven Dwarven Rings, the Nine allowed Men to gain riches for their kingdoms. This would appeal to many lords and kings in Rings of Power, though the Prime Video series will undoubtedly expand on the abilities the Nine grant their wearers.

It’s likely that Sauron will present his gifts as a way for Men to share immortality with the Elves…

It’s likely that Sauron will present his gifts as a way for Men to share immortality with the Elves, especially since those in Númenor have come to resent those like Galadriel, who can live forever. In canon, Sauron gave three of the Nine to Númenórean rulers, so it’s likely that at least one of the recipients has already been introduced in Rings of Power. Since Tolkien never revealed the identities of those who received the Nine, these will likely be among Prime Video’s original characters, such as Kemen, Pharazôn’s son.

How The Nine Rings Change Their Wearers In The Lord Of The Rings

The Downward Spiral Will Be Even More Extreme

The Lord of the Rings Nazgul

Rings of Power has already demonstrated through King Durin III how Sauron’s Rings can change their wearers. Durin has become greedy, determined to do nothing but increase the wealth of Khazad-dûm. Of course, his decisions will doom his kingdom instead. The same is sure to be true for the Nine—but with some significant differences. According to Tolkien, the Dwarves were resistant to their Rings, and Sauron could not fully control them. Men, on the other hand, were far easier prey. The Nine will make them greedy and blind, but when Sauron makes his One Ring, they will be entirely under his control.

One of the Ringwraiths was known as Khamûl the Easterling, which may have also been his name before being granted a Ring of Power.

Why The Nine Become Ringwraiths

The Recipients Of Sauron’s Gifts Are Doomed To Become LOTR’s Ringwraiths


Once Sauron forged his One Ring, his influence over the Nine became all the more ominous. The wearers’ corruption grew, along with their reverence for the Dark Lord, to the point that their own life force was tied to that of their master. Their bodies vanished into the wraith-world, visible only to those who wore Rings, and they became known as the Ringwraiths, or Nazgûl. By this point, the Nine had forgotten their names and previous lives. All they knew was that they were soldiers for their master, Sauron.

When the Dark Lord lost his One Ring and his power waned in Middle-earth, the Nazgûl faded as well.

When the Dark Lord lost his One Ring and his power waned in Middle-earth, the Nazgûl faded as well. It was only when Sauron’s power began to rise again that the Ringwraiths could appear again in Middle-earth and start their search for the One Ring. They wore cloaks that gave their invisible forms shape and thought of nothing else aside from Sauron’s will.

Where Are The Nine Rings For Men During The Lord Of The Rings?

The Fate Of The Nine Is Up For Debate

Sauron in full armor reaching forward with the One Ring on his index finger in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

The location of the Nine Rings for Men by the events of Lord of the Rings is heavily debated among Tolkien enthusiasts. During the Council of Elrond, Gandalf said that the Nine were with the Nazgûl, indicating they still had their Rings on their fingers. However, it is later stated that Sauron “holds” the Nine, implying that he took them back. This has led to the belief that, without his One Ring, Sauron took the Nine to control the Ringwraiths. However, the fact that their very essence was so bound to the Dark Lord indicates that this wouldn’t have been necessary.

Frodo also had the ability to sense Rings of Power in Lord of the Rings, and it is noted that he knew that Galadriel wore Nenya even though most could not see it on her finger. Frodo never noticed the Nine, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the Ringwraiths weren’t wearing them. Regardless, it can be definitively said that the Nine Rings for Men were either with Sauron or the Ringwraiths in The Lord of the Rings, which is more or less the same thing. Of course, the events of Rings of Power are still a long way from this point in Middle-earth’s timeline.