Outer Banks Season 4 Finale’s Major Original Character Death Explained

A blurred image of the cast for Outer Banks season 4 (2024) behind a blacked-out image of JJ and the symbol for death Outer Banks season 4 ended with the death of a massive original character, teasing big things for the show’s next season. The second part of the most recent installment in Netflix’s hit show picked up directly after Outer Banks season 4, part 1’s ending. JJ was left reeling from the news that he is actually the son of a Kook couple, Larissa Genrette and Chandler Groff. Meanwhile, the rest of Outer Banks‘ cast of characters were dealing with their own issues, from Pope’s continued rebellion against authority to Sarah’s discovery that she is pregnant.

All of these plot points eventually coalesced for Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s ending. This feature-length episode saw the show switch locations to Morocco, as the Pogues put aside their issues to find the Blue Crown, the latest of Outer Banks‘ historic artifacts that will dissolve the problems facing John B., Sarah, Kiara, JJ, Pope, and Cleo. As Outer Banks season 4, part 2 comes to a close, however, things are bleaker than ever with the death of a major character, promising a big change for the fifth and final season of the Netflix show.

Is JJ Really Dead In Outer Banks’ Season 4 Finale?

JJ’s Time As A Pogue Comes To An End

Kiara crying over JJ's death in Outer Banks season 4 (2024)

The character in question is JJ, who was essentially the main character of Outer Banks season 4. At the end of the season, JJ is stabbed by his biological father, Chandler Groff, succumbing to his wounds as the Pogues hold a memorial for him in Morocco. Given that JJ is such an important character to the show, and became a fan-favorite due to his iconic Outer Banks quotes, the burning question now is whether he is really dead. After all, Outer Banks has been no stranger to bringing back characters who were previously believed to be dead.

For example, two characters in Outer Banks‘ prior seasons were said to have died before coming back. These two were Big John Routledge, John B.’s dad, and Ward Cameron, Sarah’s dad. Although both truly died in Outer Banks season 3’s ending, they essentially returned from the dead before that. Despite that, it is safe to say the same will not happen for JJ. The ending of Outer Banks season 4 hinges entirely on JJ’s death, and the heartbreaking depiction of its aftermath would be severely lessened emotionally if he returned. As such, JJ is really dead in Outer Banks.

Why JJ’s Father, Chandler Groff, Killed Him In Outer Banks’ Season 4 Finale

Groff Had Several Reasons For Killing JJ

Chandler Groff, played by actor J. Anthony Crane, in Netflix's Outer Banks. JJ Maybank looking shiftily in front of the Pogues' silhouettes from Outer Banks Season 4. Groff holding the Blue Crown in Morocco in Outer Banks season 4 (2024) JJ in Outer Banks season 4, part 2 Chandler Groff in Outer Banks season 4 episode 4 Chandler Groff, played by actor J. Anthony Crane, in Netflix's Outer Banks. JJ Maybank looking shiftily in front of the Pogues' silhouettes from Outer Banks Season 4. Groff holding the Blue Crown in Morocco in Outer Banks season 4 (2024) JJ in Outer Banks season 4, part 2 Chandler Groff in Outer Banks season 4 episode 4

As alluded to, it was Groff, JJ’s real father, who killed him in Outer Banks season 4’s ending. This comes in a climactic showdown that sees Groff threatening Kiara’s life. Groff tells JJ that he will let Kiara go safely if he gives him the Blue Crown. JJ does so, allowing Kiara to go free and Groff to escape with the treasure. That said, Groff stabs JJ and provides one of the reasons for this murder via his dialogue, while another was explored earlier in the season.

It was rumored before Outer Banks season 4 that JJ’s actor, Rudy Pankow, wanted to depart from the show. JJ’s death could have been in response to this.

The main reason for Groff’s murder of JJ stems from a scene that came earlier in Outer Banks season 4’s finale. Groff was trapped in a well by Rafe before being found by the Pogues. After a brief conversation, JJ decided to leave Groff in the well. Groff’s escape led to the confrontation with JJ and Kiara, with the villain stabbing the former out of revenge. JJ left Groff to die in the well, with Groff doing the same for his son.

Groff killed the two of them in an attempt to gain control of their ancestral house and the land they own on Goat Island in the OBX…

Another reason as to why Groff killed JJ links to the former’s murder of Larissa and Wes Genrette. Larissa was Groff’s wife, JJ’s birth mother, and Wes was her father. Groff killed the two of them in an attempt to gain control of their ancestral house and the land they own on Goat Island in the OBX. Although Groff’s manipulation of Rafe and Hollis Robinson essentially secured Goat Island as his, JJ could have been one more obstacle given his blood relation to the Genrettes. Therefore, this could also have factored into Groff’s murder of JJ in Outer Banks season 4.

What JJ’s Death Means For Outer Banks Season 5

Kiara looking over her shoulder over an image of her with JJ in Outer BanksCustom image by Amanda Bruce

The last major question stemming from JJ’s death in Outer Banks season 4 is what it means for the show’s next installment. Outer Banks season 5 will be the show’s last, likely meaning it will be highly emotional, especially after the death of JJ. This was teased in Outer Banks season 4’s final scene, with the Pogues – alongside Rafe – teasing what story will be told in the show’s last entry.

After killing JJ, Groff escapes with the Blue Crown in hand. Groff told Rafe earlier in the show that he was heading to Lisbon, Portugal, to sell the artifact. As Outer Banks season 4 ends, the Pogues swear revenge against Groff and intend to follow him to Lisbon. With that in mind, JJ’s death means a lot for Outer Banks season 5; the story is now as much a revenge tale as anything else, with the Pogues set on avenging JJ once and for all.

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