Speaking with Screen Rant, Gravelle explained how Míriel won’t be pleased by how Pharazôn runs Númenor as The Rings of Power season 2 continues. The actor also hints that she’ll need to find a middle ground regarding her beliefs after the new king’s coup, something that could alter her character in episodes to come. Check out what Gravelle had to say below:
Well, I mean, I think she’s in for one hell of a time, isn’t she? Because it’s totally the opposite of the direction that I want to go in. So, there’s going to need to be a remodeling, I guess, of your vision and how you see Númenor going. It’s going to be quite bumpy for her. Because, obviously, we’re going to have to work on her, how she sees the world, and she’s not in a position right now just for her opinion to be absolute and for everybody to go along with it. So, she’s going to have to compromise a lot of her beliefs, and a lot of what she perceives as reality is going to change, I think, because of what happened, the rug pulling that happened.
What Gravelle’s Statement Means For Pharazôn & Míriel As Rings Of Power Continues
Pressure Is Starting To Build Across Númenor

One of Pharazôn’s core accusations against Míriel was her and her father’s use of the Elvish palantir to govern the island nation, despite they distrust of Elves. This gave him the leeway he needed to take over, centering The Rings of Power season 2’s story on the chaos he’s bringing to Númenor in his rule. Given Gravelle’s statement about the former Queen needing to compromise with his character, it seems she won’t be pursuing a hostile return to the throne. This aligns with her hope that peace can return to the island nation, something she’s been shown to value.
However, it’s unclear how the Faithful, disarmed soldiers like Elendil (Lloyd Owen) who remain loyal to Míriel, could impact potential power negotiations, especially after Valandil’s death. While a battle for the nation hasn’t been hinted at yet, tensions across the island have never been higher. Kemen’s actions could be the start of an important conflict, one that might begin when the former Queen decides to try and find a middle ground with Pharazôn. However, with his rule only just beginning, the cast of The Rings of Power in Númenor could have plenty more hardships to experience before change happens.
Our Take On Pharazôn & Míriel’s Power Struggle In The Rings Of Power Season 2
It Seems Inevitable One Will Fall

The conflict between Pharazôn and Míriel sounds like it will take major steps before The Rings of Power season 2 is over, potentially leading to a need for one of them to fall in order to save Númenor. Because his rule is already causing conflict in important places across the country, the new King could become a target of the Faithful following Valandil’s murder. If the former Queen does try to compromise as Gravelle hints at, then it could lead to a decision wherein taking power is the only option left to save her people.
The Rings of Power Upcoming Episode
Release Date
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8