A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

A new rumor alleges that Ubisoft intentionally promoted Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed Shadows so that the company’s stock price would tank and allow Tencent to more easily take over the company.

A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

YouTuber Endymion shared that an alleged insider shared with him that Ubisoft “was using the implementation of this character into their game to steer the public reception of not only Shadows, but Ubisoft as a company in general towards a scenario that would actually lead to a buyout.”


He explained, “As I was told Tencent allegedly was a big pusher of Yasuke becoming the main character of Shadows. Ubisoft, of course, was considering the idea, but Tencent was really the ones that pushed that vision into reality.

“Allegedly, Yasuke was pushed because Tencent knew the inclusion of his character as the leading man in a Japanese Assassin’s game would raise many eyebrows and cause public outcry, which I mean they’re right, it did exactly that,” he continued. “And the discussion surrounding the game has not died down since for good reason.”

“As I’m told decisions like implementing Yasuke, which would lead to many boycotting the game was something pushed by Tencent investors to purposely tank Ubisoft in order to weaken the company towards an acquisition effectively leading to Ubisoft as know becoming far weaker, worth far less than it should be, and placing itself plump and ready for Tencent to waltz in and swallow the entire company whole and obtain them,” he stated.

A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

As noted by Endymion in his video Slovakian investment firm AJ Investments has accused both Ubisoft and Tencent of purposely tanking the company in order to lower the stock price to allow the Guillemot family and Tencent to purchase shares at a reduced price.

The firm alleged in an open letter in September, “We believe that Guillemot family and Tencent are discounting potential value of Ubisoft in order to buy more shares at lower valuation and eventually take full control of the company at heavily discounted valuation. We value the great work that has been done by the Guillemots over the decades in the Ubisoft but now is time to move on and restart the business with new shareholder approach and new management/CEO.”

Furthermore, it even pointed to Ubisoft delaying titles as being part of this strategy, “In our view, recent delays of certain titles there are creating uncertainty amongst investors is beneficial for Guillemot and Tencent in order to acquire more shares at even discounted valuation as Ubisoft is currently trading close to 15 EUR per share lowest point since 2015, giving Ubisoft valuation less than 2 billion EUR.”

A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

The firm also alleged that the Guillemot family and Tencent’s collaboration blocked “potential acquisitions and partnerships that could have been beneficial for the company and its shareholders.”

It cited a possible acquisition by KKR and Blackstone, “More recently, in 2022, private equity firms such as KKR and Blackstone expressed interest in acquiring Ubisoft, but were unable to proceed due to existing agreements that prevent any single entity from gaining control without Guillemot and Tencent’s consent. This pattern of blocking potential acquisitions has prevented much-needed restructuring and revitalization that will benefit all the stakeholders of Ubisoft.”

A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

Endymion then shared his own observation, “In a lot of ways what Tencent is being accused of here, is being the ones who torched your house to the ground, and then refused to call the fire department to put it out, and then they suddenly show up a week later telling you later they’ll rebuild your house if you’ll pay them.”

“It’s a hell of a strategic move on their part, all things considered, effectively saving money by purposely ruining your competition and then rotting them from the inside out by telling them what to do,” he added.

A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

READ: Rumor: ‘Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ Originally Featured Male Japanese Main Character And Game Could Be Delayed Even Further

Interestingly, this tactic that Tencent is being accused of was posited by former Epic Games Business Development Manager Aleksey Savchenko in regards to Amazon taking over Games Workshop.

He shared it on X back in April, ““you know, if I was Amazon, I would continue applying pressure with TV series for lore changes, dismantle [Games Workshop] relationships with the fanbase, drop their price and just buy them penny on a dollars. And then launch TV. Faithful to lore. Just saying.”

Aleksey Savchenko on X

YouTuber RazörFist also noted that the Chinese Communist Party “is the primary funder of wokeness in the West. And no other country in the world comes within 500 miles of matching them.”

He explained, “In 2022 the Soros Economic Development Fund, whose ESG spending dwarfs most governments in the West or East, yes even the Middle East fellow noticers, committed over £100 million or $130 million to pushing ESG, DEI, and all around wokeness in the West.”

“By the ass end of 2023, annual Chinese funding of ESG, Bridge, and DEI initiatives in the Americas totaled an estimated $4.5 trillion,” he added.

He then noted this tactic that Endymion shared is what the Chinese Communist Part does, “All but ban ESG in all its multifarious manifestations at home while exporting it everywhere the hell else.”

A screenshot from Assassin’s Creed Shadows (2024), Ubisoft

What do you make of this rumor?