In the first episode of The Rings of Power season 2, Adar and the Orcs brutally murdered Sauron, and this was the first instance in the Prime Video series in which his black blood appeared. In Rings of Power season 2, episode 6, Sauron (as Annatar) cuts open his hand and fills a vial with his own blood, which he gives to Celebrimbor under the illusion that it is refined mithril. Finally, in episode 7, the black color of Sauron’s blood is part of how Celebrimbor identifies Annatar as the Dark Lord. So, where does this idea come from?
Morgoth Had Black Blood, So Sauron Likely Did Too
Rings Of Power Is Drawing From A Deep-Cut Canon Detail

Sauron was originally a Maia who served the Valar (like Morgoth) and Ilúvatar in the creation of the universe. After Morgoth established himself as the Dark Lord in Middle-earth, Sauron followed and became his lieutenant (after spending centuries serving as Morgoth’s spy in Valinor). The process of Sauron’s transition from an inherently good Maia to the Dark Lord’s servant was slow, and Rings of Power implies that this corruption turned his blood to the black, sour substance seen in season 2.
Sauron’s Black Blood Could Actually Be More Than Just Blood
Rings Of Power Takes “Blood” A Little Further

Rings of Power also implies that Sauron’s blood is more than the typical red stuff found in living things. After being murdered by Adar and the Orcs, Sauron’s black blood seeped into the earth and congealed, coming together to form a new body over time. In Tolkien’s works, Sauron’s essence or spirit remained after his body was destroyed, and similarly, it took a long time to garner enough strength to take form. Rings of Power uses the black blood to represent this essence, implying that the lifeforce that seeps from Sauron (and Morgoth, by extension) when wounded is a far more intimate part of their evil being.
Black blood seems to represent the corruption and decay of a being’s own soul in Rings of Power…
This has significant implications regarding Rings of Power‘s Nine Rings. Celebrimbor unknowingly used Sauron’s black blood as a substitute for mithril when making the Nine. This will likely create a strong connection between those who wear these Rings and Sauron, possibly explaining why the recipients would become the Ringwraiths of Lord of the Rings. Ultimately, black blood seems to represent the corruption and decay of a being’s own soul in Rings of Power, and since there are many more yet to be corrupted, we are sure to see more of this dark substance flowing before the end.