The Rings of Power builds a more significant role for Celebrimbor’s character than Tolkien did and portrays him as solely and complicitly involved in the creation of the Nine. In Tolkien’s writing, a vague profile is created for Celebrimbor, leaving room for the creators of The Rings of Power to take liberties that have skewed his character closer to the workings of Sauron than Tolkien may have intended.
Celebrimbor Continues Making The Nine Rings After Learning Annatar Is Sauron

After becoming aware of Sauron’s deceptions and identity, Celebrimbor continues his work on the Nine. It is true that he is continuously manipulated by the master of deception, and he eventually attempts to destroy the Nine before sending them away with Galadriel. But Celebrimbor’s actions aid in a profound corruption of man and a dark period for Middle-earth, making him a potentially villainous presence in the story.
Tolkien’s writing never depicts Celebrimbor as such a willing tool of Sauron. Although Celebrimbor is a direct descendant of Fëanor, whose sons become infatuated with their father’s creation (the Silmirills), and pervert their lineage to rebel against the gods, he does not follow in their footsteps. In The Silmarillion, Celebrimbor is said to have separated himself from his father, severing his ties with the line.
While Celebrimbor is primarily responsible for the creation of the Nine in The Rings Of Power, he is never mentioned as their creator in Tolkien’s lore. Yes, Celebrimbor was an Elven smith, and they forged the rings, but he was not called out. The only moment Celebrimbor is specifically mentioned is in the creation of the three rings for the Elves, and those built outside the gaze of The Dark Lord.
How The Lord Of The Rings Would Be Different If Celebrimbor Refused To Finish The Nine

If The Rings Of Power was more traditional in its characterization of Celebrimbor and his capacity as a smith, his refusal to forge them would probably make no difference to Middle-earth. Tolkien speaks of the Elven smiths and how they, as a collective, forged the Nine. If Celebrimbor were not involved, they would still be made by other knowledgeable smiths. However, if The Rings Of Power is willing to position Celebrimbor as the sole creator of the Nine (and it appears the show is), his refusal would prevent, or at least delay, the deep corruption of men.
Although it is uncertain if Sauron’s plans would have been thwarted by the refusal of Celebrimbor to forge the Nine, the corruption of Middle-earth would certainly have drastically slowed or lessened.
Although it is uncertain if Sauron’s plans would have been thwarted by the refusal of Celebrimbor to forge the Nine, the corruption of Middle-earth would certainly have drastically slowed or lessened. By making his choice central to Middle-earth’s fate, The Rings Of Power makes Celebrimbor out to be a bigger villain than Tolkien did. However, whatever his role, Sauron’s reach extends far beyond any individual.