As it turns out, The Rings of Power season 2’s major action sequence, the Siege of Eregion, contains several of these changes. From the members of The Rings of Power season 2’s cast that fight in the battle to those absent from the books, the Siege of Eregion is full of equal amounts of spectacle, excitement, and alterations. As The Rings of Power season 3’s story looms large in the aftermath of Eregion’s destruction, it is worth exploring each way the massive event of the Second Age was different between Tolkien’s books and the Prime Video adaptation.
Sauron Leads The Siege Of Eregion In The Books, Not Adar
The Machinations Of Eregion’s Assault Are Altered In The Rings Of Power

Perhaps the most overt difference concerning the Siege of Eregion between The Rings of Power and Tolkien’s books is the motivations behind the assault. In the books, Sauron leads the attack against Eregion himself, determined to claim the Rings of Power belonging to men and dwarves, as well as learn the location of the three Elven Rings of Power. In The Rings of Power, this is slightly different, yet still remains truthful to Sauron’s overall plan as written by Tolkien.
The Rings of Power season 2 instead has Adar lead the Siege of Eregion. Adar and his orcs attack the city as they know Sauron is inside; if they can kill him, they can live in peace in the land of Mordor. This is a big difference from Tolkien’s books, though in both mediums Sauron is responsible. In The Rings of Power, it is Sauron – under the guise of Halbrand – who plants the idea in Adar’s mind to attack Eregion, proving the dark lord to be the manipulative, tricky, deceitful mastermind he is described as in Tolkien’s works.
The Rings Of Power Should Already Be Complete When The Siege Of Eregion Happens
The Rings of Power’s Timeline Is Slightly Different Concerning Eregion’s Attack

Another of the primary differences of the Siege of Eregion in The Rings of Power season 2 is the timeline of events. In the source material, the Siege of Eregion does not take place until after the crafting of the Rings of Power. Sauron, using his Annatar disguise, had already been to Eregion to manipulate Celebrimbor into constructing the Rings. It was only after Celebrimbor began defying Sauron by not divulging the location of the Rings for dwarves and men that Sauron decided to invade Eregion and claim them for himself.
The Siege of Eregion Book Timeline
S.A. 1200
Sauron arrives at Eregion as Annatar
S.A. 1500-1590
Annatar & Celebrimbor craft the Rings of Power
Sauron invades Eriador (& Eregion)
S.A. 1697
Eregion falls, Celebrimbor is defeated, and Sauron gains the Rings of Power
This timeline looks somewhat different in The Rings of Power season 2, however. In the Prime Video show, Lord of the Rings’ 19 Rings of Power are being crafted as the Siege of Eregion begins. The elven Rings were crafted in The Rings of Power season 1’s finale, and the dwarven pieces of jewelry were completed midway through season 2. The Rings of men, though, are still being crafted by Celebrimbor as the Siege of Eregion rages around him, with Sauron using the assault as a distraction. This change was made to condense the show’s timeline while increasing tension.
Galadriel Did Not Fight In The Siege Of Eregion
Galadriel’s Whereabouts Are Not Entirely Clear In The Books

Although many will claim that Galadriel’s Amazonian depiction in The Rings of Power goes against Tolkien’s writings, the author depicted her as one of the primary foes of Sauron in Middle-earth’s Second and Third Ages. That said, her appearance in some key battles was never outright mentioned by Tolkien, including the Siege of Eregion. It is only mentioned that Sauron eventually deduces from Celebrimbor that one of the elven Rings of Power was given to Galadriel.
Naturally, given that The Rings of Power‘s main character is Galadriel, she is present during the Siege of Eregion. Her presence at first is as a prisoner of Adar, yet she eventually escapes with the help of Arondir before making her way into the city. There, she finds Celebrimbor who gives her the nine rings of men so that she can smuggle them away from Sauron. This is an addition to the story in The Rings of Power, made to further establish Galadriel and Sauron’s rivalry in the show.
The Books Depict Celeborn Aiding Eregion In The Siege
Galadriel’s Husband Is Yet To Appear In The Rings Of Power

One of the main characters tied to Galadriel who is yet to appear in The Rings of Power is Celeborn. Celeborn was mentioned in The Rings of Power season 1 as Galadriel’s husband who fought alongside her in the War of Wrath, only to go missing in the battle. Celeborn has since been assumed dead, despite his confirmed survival in the books of Tolkien.
The Rings of Power’s creators have confirmed Celeborn could appear in the show’s future, as has Galadriel actor Morfydd Clark.
The Rings of Power season 2 is continuing the idea of Celeborn being dead so that future installments of the show can build up to his and Galadriel’s reunion. In doing so, Celeborn’s involvement in the Siege of Eregion has been removed from The Rings of Power. In the books, Celeborn leads an attack against Sauron’s host alongside Elrond, resulting in the two being defeated and subsequently retreating north to the valley of Imladris, where the latter builds the stronghold of Rivendell.
The Siege Of Eregion Happens 10 Years After The Construction Of The One Ring
The Lesser Rings Were Not The Only Objects Crafted Before The Siege Of Eregion

As alluded to, the Siege of Eregion takes place long after the crafting of the Rings of Power in Tolkien’s works. This is changed for The Rings of Power season 2, as is another major element of Sauron’s plan. In the books, Sauron constructs The Lord of the Rings’ One Ring a decade after the completion of the lesser rings, almost 100 years before the Siege of Eregion.
As the Siege of Eregion gets underway in The Rings of Power season 2, the One Ring is still likely only a plan in Sauron’s mind. The Rings of Power‘s creators have teased the One Ring, specifically stating that how Sauron crafts it without Celebrimbor will be a story worthy of “dramatic exploration.” This likely means that the One Ring will be created in The Rings of Power season 3, after the Siege of Eregion, unlike in Tolkien’s books.
The Dwarves Of Khazad-dûm Fight In The Siege Of Eregion
Durin III Leads A Counter Attack Against Sauron’s Invading Orcs In The Books

One of the elements of the book Siege of Eregion that was teased to be part of The Rings of Power was the involvement of the dwarves of Khazad-dûm. In The Rings of Power season 2, episode 7, Elrond visits Durin IV before setting out to Eregion, trusting that his friend will rally the dwarves and aid the elves in pushing back Adar’s orcs. However, by the end of the episode, Durin III puts an end to his son’s plans, leaving Elrond and Gil-galad to face the overwhelming might of Adar’s army alone.
In the books, the dwarves of Khazad-dûm come to Eregion’s aid. While Elrond and Celeborn fight Sauron’s army on one side, the dwarves attack from the rear, giving Elrond and his forces time to retreat. While this could still happen in The Rings of Power season 2’s finale, episode 7 seemed to hint that the dwarves will not play a part in the Siege of Eregion, marking a fairly significant change from Tolkien’s works.
The Rings Of Power Has Several Original Characters Involved In The Siege Of Eregion
The Rings Of Power Has Characters That Did Not Exist In The Source Material

While not a drastic difference to the Siege of Eregion regarding huge events happening around them, The Rings of Power‘s original characters being involved in the conflict is a departure from the books. Adar’s inclusion as an original character has already been outlined, but others are present during the battle too, including Arondir and Damrod the Troll. This leads to some fantastic action sequences involving the two and Adar that were naturally not present in Tolkien’s books as the characters did not exist.
Amroth & The Galadhrim Fought In The Siege Of Eregion In The Books
A Final Faction In Tolkien’s Books Was Removed From The Rings Of Power

The last major alteration from the books in The Rings of Power‘s Siege of Eregion is the absence of Amroth. In the books, Amroth was a noble elf of the Galadhrim, the elves from which Arondir hails that reside in Middle-earth’s woodlands. The books mention that Amroth and a host of the Galadhrim rushed to the aid of Eregion, attacking the flank of Sauron’s army alongside the dwarves led by Durin III.
Introducing the character of Amroth would take time that The Rings of Power season 2 did not have, and another army of elves would take attention away from Elrond, his army, Arondir, and the elves of Eregion…
In The Rings of Power season 2, Amroth and the Galadhrim are nowhere to be seen during the battle. The reason for this change is likely one of clarity and conciseness. Introducing the character of Amroth would take time that The Rings of Power season 2 did not have, and another army of elves would take attention away from Elrond, his army, Arondir, and the elves of Eregion. As such, The Rings of Power season 2 made this change, among many others, to Tolkien’s Siege of Eregion.