Valandil’s death in Rings of Power sets up two future kings, explained

Valandil in Rings of Power

Valandil, Isildur’s friend and a loyal lieutenant to Elendil, died in the newest episode of Rings of Power – but it won’t be in vain, if you look at Tolkien’s writings.

Valandil was a good egg in Rings of Power. When he caught Kemen (who’s basically Middle-earth Joffrey) slagging off Queen Miriel in a pub, he warned him he’d “suffer an infirmity” if he didn’t shut his mouth.

In Season 2 Episode 5, Kemen pushes him too far. After Elendil punches him in the face, he orders the guards to hold him so he can hit him back (what a wuss), but Valandil catches his hand and tosses him to the side.

Isildur orders him to stop before he kills him… and his mercy is rewarded with a brutal, undeserved death when Kemen stabs him through the back with his sword. Thankfully, his legacy will survive. Book spoilers to follow…

Elendil and Valandil are future kings

Elendil and Valandil

Rings of Power’s Valandil isn’t a character from Tolkien’s books. He was created specifically for the show, but much like The Stranger being described as a “grand elf”, his name has always carried a deeper meaning.

Firstly, Elendil has an important destiny: in The Silmarillion, Pharâzon captures Sauron, and the Dark Lord slyly persuades him to set sail for the Undying Lands of Valinor. Meanwhile, Elendil gathers his family and other Faithful and heads east to Middle-earth.

Soon after, Pharâzon’s breaking of the Ban of Valar leads to Númenor’s downfall, with the island kingdom sinking into the sea. However, the Valar spares Elendil and his people, carrying them to Middle-earth with a great wind. From here, they establish the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor, with Elendil serving as their first High King.

Isildur will likely name his child after his friend Valandil

In Rings of Power, Elendil can’t accept Pharâzon as Númenor’s king, and he’s struggling to “remain the calm in the storm’s eye.” Valandil’s death will undoubtedly strengthen his resolve and push him to lead his people when the time comes.

That’s not all. Valandil is also the name of Isildur’s fourth son (we don’t know his mother’s name, but it could be Estrid from the show), born towards the end of the Second Age.

Valandil becomes heir to the throne when he’s just 13 years old, waiting until he’s 21 to become king and ruling for a whopping 249 years.

Valandil translates to “lover of the Valar” in Quenya, and while this was definitely the inspiration for Isildur’s son’s name in Tolkien’s source material, Rings of Power’s Valandil has a closer connection to both Elendil and Isildur.

In short, Elendil will honor Valandil’s bravery by carrying out Miriel’s wishes, and Isildur will undoubtedly pay tribute to his best friend by naming one of his children after him.

After the new episode, catch up with our recaps of Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, and Episode 4, and read our guides on Tom Bombadil and Forodwaith, plus our theories for the Dark Wizard’s identity.

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