Was Thanos Right About Tony Stark All Along? Doctor Doom Theory Suggests So!

One of the biggest stories in entertainment news right now is Robert Downey Jr.’s return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel did a fantastic job at the San Diego Comic-Con, and because of this exploding piece of information, everyone and their aunt are talking about Downey and the MCU’s future, which seems exciting once again, as fans have something to look forward to.

As you probably know, Marvel’s original plan was to have Kang the Conqueror, already introduced to the franchise and played by Jonathan Majors, be the next major villain in Marvel Cinematic Universe films, leading to a massive clash in Secret Wars. However, Majors’s domestic abuse scandal cost him his job and while the MCU was looking into replacing him, they ultimately opted to replace Kang completely and this is where Doctor Doom jumped in.

Having Downey play Doctor Doom was a risky decision for Marvel, but one that could ultimately pay off if executed properly, and knowing Downey – he probably wouldn’t have accepted a half-assed project. Having said this, the information we have right now is still very scarce and there is much speculation. This opens doors to a lot of theories, and one recent theory suggests that Thanos was actually right when talking to Tony Stark.

Before we start, let us remember a famous Thanos line from Infinity War, when he talked to Stark directly:

Over the years, many fans believed that Thanos was right, at least partially, and the MCU’s narrative progression showed that he was right about some things. And while we don’t know whether the writers thought that much ahead (probably not, as Downey’s casting was “improvised” and was not part of a plan at the time), it could very well turn out that Thanos’ words were a foreshadowing.

Namely, according to a theory presented by ScreenRant’s Karlis Wilde, Thanos knew this would happen back then. This would mean that Doom is a variant of Tony Stark from an alternative universe, and with the knowledge he had, Thanos knew that which is why his words seemingly foreshadow Stark’s villainous turn:

If Doctor Doom is a Tony Stark variant, as he is theorized to be in the MCU, it is certain that he, too, will be cursed with that knowledge. Relatable villains who have believable and understandable goals are integral to Marvel storytelling, and the knowledge and insight that Tony Stark possessed has served as a blessing and a curse in the MCU. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man nearly destroyed the world with that knowledge. As such, it would be compelling to see how that knowledge resonates with a version of the character who is more amenable to destruction

We don’t know whether Doctor Doom will end up being a Tony Stark variant, but it is certainly an interesting theory to entertain.

What do you think of the theory? Let us know in the comments below!