In Arcane season 2, Jayce discovers many new elements about Hextech: not only does it give Viktor’s body new powers in Arcane, but Jayce also discovers that the Hextech core is unstable. Alongside Heimerdinger and Ekko, two of Arcane‘s other League of Legends-based characters, Jayce disappeared in a psychedelic sequence once he entered the Hextech core buried deep below ground. In Arcane season 2, Act II, Jayce re-emerges, only with a drastically altered appearance, personality, and the promise of darker forces working through him.
Jayce Disappeared In The Hextech Core, Transforming Him
Jayce’s Transformation Makes For A Fascinating New Character Design

At the end of Arcane season 2, episode 5, Jayce is shown emerging from the Hextech Core only to be confronted by Councilor Salo, who has recently been healed thanks to Viktor’s new powers. Jayce looks notably different in ways both subtle and obvious. Concerning the latter, Jayce’s appearance is notably more rugged; his clothes are shredded and dirty, and his hair and beard have grown out. Beyond that, though, there are several new interesting transformations concerning Jayce’s character design.
Jayce’s left forearm is shown at various points throughout Arcane season 2, Act II, revealing that he has a blue Hextech gem embedded in his skin…
One of the more subtle changes that is perhaps the most intriguing involves a Hextech gem. Jayce’s left forearm is shown at various points throughout Arcane season 2, Act II, revealing that he has a blue Hextech gem embedded in his skin. What this is for or what purpose it served during Jayce’s disappearance is unclear, but it remains an interesting mystery after Arcane season 2, Act I’s ending cliffhanger.
Another notable difference is that Jayce’s left leg is supported by a large mechanical brace. Again, like the Hextech gem, it is unclear how Jayce injured his leg or who fitted him with the brace. Beyond these elements, Jayce’s hammer also looks very different. The design is much more archaic than it was, likely as it has been blended with the Arcane elements of wherever Jayce ended up after he disappeared.
Jayce’s Time In The Hextech Core Led To Him Viewing It (& Viktor) As A Curse

As revealed in Arcane season 2, Act II, Jayce’s physical appearance was not the only thing that underwent a transformation during his disappearance. Jayce emerges from the Hextech core a much different person than he was when he entered, setting the stage for his final arc in Arcane season 2’s ending. Overall, Jayce is depicted as being much less patient, quicker to anger, and more erratic in Arcane season 2, Act II. However, his biggest personality change links to his perception of Hextech and Viktor.
In Arcane season 2, episode 5, Jayce states to Salo – and thus Viktor who can speak through the councilor – that Hextech is a curse. He states that they need to end Hextech forever before Salo attempts to leave. Given his new erratic, rageful nature, Jayce states that he is sorry before killing Salo with his hammer. Jayce did so as Salo has been blended with Hextech due to Viktor’s powers, leading Jayce to seek out his former friend. In Arcane season 2, episode 6’s ending, Jayce shoots Viktor with his hammer-canon and seemingly destroys the latter’s Hextech powers completely.
Arcane Season 2 Hints At Something Else Working Through Jayce
Jayce’s Time In The Hextech Core Will Answer Everything

Going into Arcane season 2, Act III, the question of what happened to Jayce is perhaps the most pressing of them all. The reason for this is Jayce’s drastic change in personality, complete with his dedication to killing Viktor and destroying his former colleague’s Hextech-based community. Undoubtedly, the answer to the question of what happened to Jayce links to his unseen time in the Hextech core, as well as the hints provided by Viktor that imply something, or someone, else is enacting its will through Jayce.
What became of Heimerdinger and Ekko is another major question Arcane season 2, Act III has to answer as the two went missing with Jayce, yet did not emerge with him.
The beginning of Arcane season 2, episode 6 sees Viktor inside his Hextech-powered mind talking to the manifestation of Skye. Viktor states “That isn’t Jayce. But there is another will at work within him.” What exactly this will is and who it belongs to remains to be seen, but this answer is certainly the most compelling mystery that Arcane Act III has to reveal. The ending of Arcane season 2, episode 6 sets up the show for an explosive conclusion, likely centered entirely around Jayce, his disappearance, his connection to Hextech, and the mysterious force using Jayce as a host.