In an interview with TV Insider, Aramayo broke down the surprising kiss between the briefly reunited Elrond and Galadriel, and what it means for the two Elven figurehead’s relationship within the series. While the embrace initially began as a ploy to help Galadriel break free, Aramayo explained that the kiss did have some personal meaning for Elrond.
“It starts off as purely strategic, but it’s also emotional and heightened because it’s a goodbye as well. It’s a potential goodbye forever, or for now — until the Halls of Mandos. So it is a really emotional moment, but the impetus for it is a really practical and diversionary tactic.”
While not necessarily romantic, Aramayo likened the kiss to a solemn potential farewell between the two old friends if either of them would not leave Eregion alive, regardless of which side would win the day. With how Elrond places Galadriel on a pedestal, the kiss is meant to signify his affection for his old friend.
“Galadriel is his hero. There’s a blood relation — and actually, Elrond’s related to almost everyone. But as I said, she’s his hero. She’s taught him so much. It’s more than best friends. It feels like family members. And so it’s the emotion of saying goodbye to a family member who you think might die soon.”
How Robert Aramayo’s Response Reflects Elrond and Galadriel’s Relationship
The Elven Pair Have A Rich History Explored On-Screen And In Tolkien’s Text

Longtime Lord of the Rings fans know that Galadriel and Elrond would not only live to see the end of Sauron’s reign but also be present for his eventual return. In Tolkien’s writing, Elrond marries Galadriel and Celeborn’s daughter, Celebrian, fathering three children that would include Arwen, whom Liv Tyler plays in Peter Jackson’s movie trilogy. However, the movie director would add one more event between the two in his three-part adaptation of The Hobbit.
While links between Elrond and Galadriel had long been established through Tolkien’s works, The Rings of Power has added further layers to the pair’s relationship that had previously not been explored.
Adapting chapters from Tolkien’s appendices, Elrond and Galadriel become involved in a White Council investigation into the Necromancer of Dol Guldur out of fears that it could signify Sauron’s return. When Gandalf finds himself captured by Sauron and his Nazgul, Elrond and Galadriel join the rescue party in saving the wizard, witnessing the Dark Lord flee and confirming his continued presence in Middle-Earth.
Our Thoughts on Elrond and Galadriel’s Relationship
The Rings of Power Has Established A Close Bond

While links between Elrond and Galadriel had long been established through Tolkien’s works, The Rings of Power has added further layers to the pair’s relationship that had previously not been explored. While his position as a herald of Gil-galad (Benjamin Walker) leaves him at odds with her desire to find Sauron, the pair are close enough to trust one another’s judgment, with Galadriel considering his advice despite continuing her quest.
Furthermore, Elrond and Galadriel have already faced potential farewells when the latter stayed behind to hold off Adar’s (Sam Hazeldine) forces, having already pushed their hearts to their limits. While Elrond may have had to say one last farewell to his friend, their inevitable reunion following The Rings of Power season 2′ epic climax is sure to be an emotional, well-earned moment.
The final episode of The Rings of Power season 2 will be released on October 3 on Prime Video.