superstition movie

The slasher films that began in the mid-1970s transformed the horror genre for generations to come. Innocent victims being stalked and hunted, kill scenes as unique as they are gory, and the seemingly indestructible antagonists that rise from their graves for every sequel are attributes that weave the bloody tapestry of one of the greatest horror sub-genres. One particular 1982 entry, Superstition, checked off all the boxes for a slasher movie, though this underappreciated film used an evil entity as its killer instead of a man in a mask.

Opening With Slaughter

superstition movie
Superstition is a movie that supposes the powers of a suspected witch can survive for centuries after her execution and wreak havoc on those who tread on her hallowed ground.

The film opens with two teenage boys being slaughtered by unseen hands inside an abandoned house in the country. Days later, their murders are being investigated by local police who immediately suspect that the caretaker on the property is the one behind their deaths.

The Execution

The house in question in Superstition is owned by a church. The new church leadership is attempting to have it renovated and moves a young family onto the property to assist. As the movie progresses, it’s discovered that the church also wishes to drain a pond on the property which enrages the caretaker.

As it turns out, a witch was executed by being drowned in that very pond back in the late 17th century. Superstition sees this woman hold powers from her watery grave, giving her the ability to control a human host.

But when the ancient crucifix that the church elders placed into the pond centuries earlier is removed from the watery depths, the witch is able to return in her full form and spend the rest of the movie killing nearly every person that has been on screen.

Disturbing Kills

Superstition is akin to combining the haunted house setting from The Amityville Horror and giving it a nice, long bloodbath. The kills in the movie, whether by the witch herself or committed by her human host, are jarring and gory, making it play as a true slasher flick.

Many Violent Tools

superstition movie
Shards of glass from a shattered mirror, a table saw, a clawed hand, and other objects are tools used for the eventual slaughter of more than a dozen victims on the screen.

Superstition is successful in taking the best elements of a slasher movie and carefully dumping the kill scenes inside of an interesting storyline. The film casts a morose tone throughout its 85-minute runtime, aided by David Gibney’s score and the gothic horror tonality.

Stream It Now

Superstition is a film that will please most any slasher movie fan, but also would be a great selection for anyone who likes a solid haunted house story. Without the gore, the storyline holds up, making every blood spatter an added bonus. It’s akin to The Omen or The Exorcist by way of its chill factor, and manages to rise to the level of intensity of any early Halloween or Friday the 13th film.

While Superstition isn’t available on any streaming service for free, you can rent this chilling movie with Vudu and Prime.