Justin Bieber & Fiancèe Hailey Baldwin Are Obsessed With Getting Coffee

Justin Bieber & Fiancèe Hailey Baldwin Are Obsessed With Getting Coffee. Picture: Splash

Ever since Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin got engaged, it seems all they do is wander around New York arm in arm visiting coffee shops, and people are starting to wonder how they sleep at night with such an intense caffeine hobby…

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin had everyone shook when they announced their engagement after just a few weeks of dating, and the couple are spotted almost every single day out and about in public, arm in arm, with a very specific and laid back hobby that people are starting to pick up on.

They’re obsessed with buying coffee.

Yes, sometimes it’s a smoothie, sometimes they even sit down for a full blown brunch, but most of the time its a good old fashioned iced latte- the foundation of their love.

Honestly, there are so many shots of them draped over one another talking to a panicked, starstruck cashier that they we aren’t even sure we can fit them all in this article, but we’re going to try, and trust us, by the end of it, you’ll understand the extent of this phenomenon.

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin In Their Happy Place- At A Coffee CounterJustin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin In Their Happy Place- At A Coffee Counter. Picture: Splash

Here is a prime example of the main bulk of Justin & Hailey’s day, and would you just look at the smiles on their faces? Placing the order they’ll proceed to sip and they swing arm in arm down the road, to the next coffee stop. In this shot we spy the dregs of an iced latte, most likely Justin’s pre-coffee, coffee. We hope he tips.

Justin & Hailey Leave Starbucks Whilst Enjoying Another Coffee

Justin & Hailey Leave Starbucks Whilst Enjoying Another Coffee. Picture: Splash

Ah, the mighty king of American coffee itself, Starbucks. They’re often spotted at more independent coffee outlets than this, but when the craving kicks in, you can’t always get to the hipster joint you desire and a chain will simply have to do.

Hailey Baldwin Kisses Justin Bieber As They Buy More Coffee

Hailey Baldwin Kisses Justin Bieber As They Buy More Coffee. Picture: Splash

This is the usual pose the couple adopt when awaiting their hot beverages, one handles the ordering, whilst the other showers the nominated orderer with affection. It is a routine we have seen repeated on many an occasion.

A rarer shot here- we have the actual cashier recording the couple as they put in their order at shake shack. What a hungry bunch of celebs.

This tweet is on the harsher side, but you can’t say they’re wrong, it seems to be literally all they do.

Here, Justin tackles the coffee run as a solo mission, which we understand must have been hard, but guys, they NEED their caffeine fix, so sometimes one has to go it alone. He looks a bit stressed TBH.

We hope this feature has opened your eyes to the #1 coffee drinking couple in New York- and trust us, we’ve barely scratched the surface.