The crime drama True Detective, written and created by Nic Pizzolatto, quickly found its way into the watchlist of many crime enthusiasts. The show stars Matthew McConaughey as Detective “Rust” Cohle and the actor was the first to be cast in the series after he impressed Nic Pizzolatto with his performance in The Lincoln Lawyer.

True Detective

Perhaps it’s the fact that he was cast before anyone else, Matthew McConaughey and Nic Pizzolatto’s bond was unlike anything else. The actor once stated that one of the biggest reasons why he loves the showrunner is because they can get brutally honest with each other, without causing a rift in their friendship. In fact, the two are so comfortable with each other that not even a drunken night full of confrontations could sever their bond!

Matthew McConaughey’s Bond with True Detective Creator

Matthew McConaughey in True DetectiveMatthew McConaughey in True Detective
In an interview with Rolling Stone, Matthew McConaughey opened up about his relationship with Nic Pizzolatto. He stated that when it comes to their friendship, it’s not about manners or grace, instead it’s about brutal honesty. Now, while “brutal” honesty might be a bit too much in some relationships, it wasn’t the case for them. McConaughey stated,

“That’s one of the reasons I really like the guy. It’s not about manners and grace. That’s part of where he and I get along, because we can be brutally honest, and we don’t think it’s brutal. You know what I mean? We’re just like, ‘Oh thanks, I know where you stand, you know where I stand.”

The interviewer then brought up a certain tequila night McConaughey and Pizzolatto shared. The actor recalled that some of the things said during that night could end friendships, but his bond with Pizzolatto was beyond that.

“We said some things to each other that night that most people would wake up the next day and go, ‘I think I completely severed my relationship with that other person.’”But I was like, ‘What a great night!’ And he was the same way. We flipped off into the fourth dimension and then let off a lot of steam, let out a lot of things.”

He then added that they have had similar nights a couple more times after this. While honesty is an important factor in all kinds of relationships, being brutally honest might not always be the best idea. Glad to see McConaughey and Pizzolatto’s bond is bigger than that!

Matthew McConaughey Talks about Working with Nic Pizzolatto

Matthew McConaughey and Nic PizzolattoMatthew McConaughey and Nic Pizzolatto
In the same interview, McConaughey was asked if he sees himself working with Pizzolatto ever again. The Interstellar actor replied with an affirmative stating that he and Pizzolatto have similar sensibilities. He is “absolutely sure” that he wants to work with his old friend again.

“Yeah. I sure do. Nic and I have certain similar sensibilities. The way he writes roles that I would like, with singular voices and perspectives and their own personal politics. I want to do more with him. I’m absolutely sure.”

During his appearance on The Rich Elsen Show, McConaughey once again talked about returning to work with Pizzolatto, this time as Rust Cohle. Since McConaughey was only in the first season of True Detective, he dearly misses playing his character. He stated that he had talked to the showrunner about returning to the role and that he’d do it if he had the “right context.” While we don’t know if McConaughey will ever get to play Rust ever again, we sure are looking forward to a collaboration between him and Pizzolatto!