‘Baby Reindeer’ follows Donny (Gadd) as he’s stalked by a woman named Martha, who lawyer Fiona Harvey claims is inspired by her.

Baby Reindeer Martha on Piers Morgan Uncensored

Fiona Harvey and Piers Morgan on ‘Piers Morgan Uncensored’. PHOTO: 


The woman who claims to be the inspiration behind Richard Gadd’s fictional stalker in Baby Reindeer is telling all on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

In an interview that aired May 9, Fiona Harvey refuted all the claims made by Netflix and Gadd on the wildly popular series, which premiered on April 11.

“This is just complete nonsense,” she said.

Among the allegations presented in the series included Gadd’s stalker allegedly sending him more than 41,000 emails and leaving 350 hours of voicemails.

“That’s simply not true. If somebody was sending somebody 41,000 emails or something, they’d be doing how many a day? Lots,” she said. “None of that’s true. I don’t think I sent him anything … No, I think there may have been a couple of emails exchanged, but that was it. Just jokey banter emails.”

Acknowledging how there “may have been a couple of emails,” Harvey claimed she didn’t text Gadd or send him messages on Facebook. However, there were “about 18 tweets.”

Harvey said she “never got that impression” that he felt sorry for her but she “got the impression that he was all out for himself.” She claimed to have never stalked Gadd or his parents, and said she never physically assaulted his ex-girlfriend. The lawyer also claimed to have given Gadd “the brush off,” adding that he allegedly “asked me to sleep with him.”

“I think he’s psychotic,” she said. “And I think that anyone going along, being in that play and doing this to somebody, I find that I find the behavior outrageous.”

Toward the interview’s end, Harvey, who announced her intention to sue Gadd and Netflix, shared one final message directed at the comedian: “Leave me alone, please. Get a life, get a proper job, I am horrified at what you’ve done.”